4e Creature Preload

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<nowiki><!-General descriptive text about your creature. If this page encompasses multiple creatures this should cover all of them.->


DC <!-lore DC->: <!-Lore explanation.->

DC <!-lore DC->: <!-Lore explanation.->

DC <!-lore DC->: <!-Lore explanation.-> <!-repeat as necessary-><!-REMOVE THIS LINE->


<!-Descriptive text about how these creatures interact with other creatures within the encounter groups and general flavor text.->

<!-The below is optional in this section.-><!-REMOVE THIS LINE->

Encounter Examples

Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)

  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)

<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->

Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)

  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)

<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->

Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)

  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)

<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->

<!-Creature Name->

[[Category: <!- Aberrant, Elemental, Fey, Immortal, Natural or Shadow-> Origin]] [[Category: <!- Animate, Beast, Humanoid or Magical Beast -> Type]] [[Category: <!-Artillery, Skirmisher, Brute, Soldier, Controller or Lurker->]] [[Category:<!-Leave blank for standard monsters, otherwise Minion, Elite or Solo->]] <!-Remove any of the following Action headers and Powers as required (and remove this line)->
Level <!-Leave blank for standard monsters, otherwise Minion, Elite or Solo-> <!-Artillery, Skirmisher, Brute, Soldier, Controller or Lurker->
<!- Aberrant, Elemental, Fey, Immortal, Natural or Shadow-> <!- Animate, Beast, Humanoid or Magical Beast ->
HP ; Bloodied <!- Half hp value, or "Minion" -> Initiative
AC ; Fortitude , Reflex , Will Perception
Speed <!-e.g. Low-light Vision->
Saving Throws <!-Elite monsters have +2. Solo monsters have +5. Remove this line for other creatures->; Action Points <!-Elite monsters have 1 action point. Solo monsters have 2 action points. Remove this line for other creatures->
Aura Name ♦ Aura 1
Effects of the trait
Standard Actions
Basicmelee.png Basic Melee ♦ At-Will
Other Attack ♦ At-Will, Encounter, or Recharge D6 (4).pngD6 (5).pngD6 (6).png-->
Move Actions
Minor Actions
Triggered Actions
Str () Dex () Wis ()
Con () Int () Cha ()
Alignment Languages
<img link>
By [img link]

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