3e SRD:Concentration Skill

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Concentration (Con)


The character can use this skill to maintain concentration in the face of other distractions.

The table below summarizes various types of distractions that cause the character to make a Concentration check while casting a spell. "Spell level" refers to the level of the spell the character is trying to cast.

DC Distraction
10 + damage dealt + spell level Injury or failed saving throw during the casting of a spell (for spells with a casting time of 1 full round or more) or injury by an attack of opportunity or readied attack made in response to the spell being cast (for spells with a casting time of 1 action).
10 + half of continuous damage + spell level Suffering automatic continuous damage
10 + damage dealt + spell level Damaged by spell.
Distracting spell's save DC + spell level Distracted by nondamaging spell. (If the spell allows no save, use the save DC it would have if it did allow a save.)
20 + spell level Grappling or pinned. (Can only cast spells without somatic components and whose material component is in hand.)
10 + spell level Vigorous motion (on a moving mount, bouncy wagon ride, small boat in rough water, belowdecks in a storm-tossed ship).
15 + spell level Violent motion (galloping horse, very rough wagon ride, small boat in rapids, on deck of storm-tossed ship).
20 + spell level Affected by earthquake spell.
5 + spell level Weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet.
10 + spell level Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris.
Distracting spell's save DC + spell level Weather caused by spell, such as storm of vengeance (same as distracted by nondamaging spell).
15 + spell level Casting defensively (so as not to provoke attacks of opportunity).
15 Caster entangled.

A character can make a Concentration check to manifest a psionic power despite distractions, such as taking damage or getting hit by an unfriendly spell. A character can also use this skill to maintain focus on things other than psionic powers.

The accompanying table summarizes the various types of distractions that cause a character to make a Concentration check while manifesting a psionic power. “Power level” refers to the level of the power the character is trying to manifest.

DC Task
10 + damage dealt Injury or a failed saving throw during the manifestation (for powers with a manifesting time of 1 full round or more) or injury by an attack of opportunity or readied attack made in response to the power being manifested (for powers with a manifesting time of 1 action).
10 + half of continuous damage last dealt + power level Suffering continuous damage.
10 + damage dealt + power level Damaged by psionic power (or spell).
Distracting power’s save DC + power level Distracted by nondamaging power. (If the power allows no save, use the DC it would have if it did allow a save).
20 + power level Grappling or pinned.
10 + power level Vigorous motion (on a moving mount, bouncing wagon, boat in rough water, belowdecks in a storm-tossed ship).
15 + power level Violent motion (galloping horse, very rough wagon ride, boat in rapids, on deck of a storm-tossed ship).
20 + power level Affected by improved telekinesis (or earthquake spell).
5 + power level Weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet.
10 + power level Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris.
15 + power level Manifesting defensively (so as not to provoke attacks of opportunity).
15 Caster entangled by a net, snare, tanglefoot bag, or power or spell that similarly entangles the manifester.

Yes, though a success doesn't cancel the effects of a previous failure, which almost always is the loss of the power being manifested or the disruption of the power being concentrated on.


A character with the Combat Casting feat gets a +4 bonus to Concentration checks made to cast a spell while on the defensive.

A character with the Combat Manifestation feat gets a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to manifest a power while on the defensive.

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