3.5e Type Preload
<onlyinclude>== <!-- Type Name --> Type == <!--Insert here a general description to explain what of creatures this type are like, the special abilities of these creatures and other traits that identify creatures of this type.--> ======Features====== A <!-- type name --> creature has the following features. * <- Die size for Hit Die ->-sided [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Dice]]. * <!--Choose a base attack progression-->[[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|Base attack bonus]] equal to total [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Dice]] (as [[SRD:Fighter|fighter]]). * <!--Choose a base attack progression-->[[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|Base attack bonus]] equal to 3/4 total [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Dice]] (as [[SRD:Cleric|cleric]]). * <!--Choose a base attack progression-->[[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|Base attack bonus]] equal to 1/2 total [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Dice]] (as [[SRD:Wizard|wizard]]). * <!--Choose which saves have good progressions-->Good [[SRD:Saving Throw|Fortitude]], [[SRD:Saving Throw|Reflex]], and [[SRD:Saving Throw|Will]] saves. * [[SRD:Skill Descriptions|Skill points]] equal to (<-number of skill points-> + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier, minimum 1) per [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Die]], with quadruple [[SRD:Skill Points|skill points]] for the first [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Die]]. ====== Traits ====== A <!-- type name --> creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). * <!-- Note any nonability for type -->. * <!-- Special vision abilities for this type-->. * <!-- Special immunities or resistances for this type-->. * <!-- Special limitations/properties/special rules for this type-->. * <!-- Special notes on the nature of this type's soul-->. * Proficient with <!-- Weapons this type is proficient with-->. * Proficient with <!-- Armor and/or shields this type is proficient with-->. * <!--Type Name--> eat, sleep, and breathe<!--Note any that this type does not do-->. == <!-- Type Name --> Type Creatures== The following creatures have the <!-- type name --> type: <!-- REMOVE THIS ENTIRE LINE (and only this line) BEFORE YOU SAVE!!! --><nowiki> <DPL> debug=1 category=Creature category=<!-- Type Name --> Type order=ascending </DPL> ---- {{3.5e Creatures Breadcrumb}} → [[User Creature Glossary|Glossary]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Creature]] [[Category:Creature Type]] [[Category:<!-- Type Name --> Type]]</onlyinclude>