3.5e Subtype Preload
<onlyinclude>== <!-- Subtype Name --> Subtype == <!--Insert here description to explain what Type(s) of creatures have this subtype, the special abilities of these creatures and other traits that identify creatures of this subtype.--> ====== Traits ====== A <!-- Subtype Name --> creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). * <!-- Special Ability Name (Ex), (Su), (Sp), or (Ps). -->: <!-- Game rule information about special ability. --> * <!-- Special Ability Name (Ex), (Su), (Sp), or (Ps). -->: <!-- Game rule information about special ability. Repeat as needed. --> * [[Spell-Like Ability]]: <!-- frequency of use -->—<!-- List of spell-like abilities that (mostly) duplicate existing spells. Unique SLAs have their own bullets (see previous line) -->. Caster level is <!-- caster level -->. The save DC is <!-- an ability score -->-based. * [[Psi-Like Ability]]: <!-- frequency of use -->—<!-- list of psi-like abilities that (mostly) duplicate existing powers or spells. Unique PLAs have their own bullets -->. Manifester level is <!-- manifester level -->. The save DC is <!-- an ability score -->-based. == <!-- Subtype Name --> Subtype Creatures== The following creatures have the <!-- Subtype Name --> subtype: <!-- REMOVE THIS ENTIRE LINE (and only this line) BEFORE YOU SAVE!!! --><nowiki> <DPL> debug=1 category=Creature category=<!-- Type Name --> Type category=<!-- Subtype Name --> Subtype order=ascending </DPL> ---- {{3.5e Creatures Breadcrumb}} → [[User Creature Glossary|Glossary]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Creature]] [[Category:Creature Subtype]] [[Category:<!-- Subtype Name --> Subtype]]</onlyinclude>