3.5e NPCs ECL 18

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NPCs without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present.

Name Race Levels Description
Avanaco Akondo Human Animal Summoner 18 A summoner who would gladly give his life for his animals
Damian Morte Half-fiend Human Rogue 7/Fighter 7 Victor the Black's most trusted follower, and his bodyguard.
Danielle Umbra Human Warlock 18 Victor the Black's third-in-command.
Irayura Tohi Centaur Fighter 7, Metahand 5 Around the corner canters a stallion of a centaur, dust coating his form, and beads of sweat are visible on his forehead.
Juliette Troubal Half-Elf Fighter 10, Unworthy 8 The air seems cold and still, then there before you is a woman, clad in a green cloak, and holding a beautiful, glowing chain in her hands

NPCs with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.