3.5e Bloodline Editing Instructions

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First, fill in the comments where it says "<!--Name of Bloodline-->" with the name of the race or Creature type your bloodline is derived from.

Second, fill in the sections immediately below the name designated for the description of the bloodline.

Finally, and most importantly, fill in the traits on the table for the bloodline.

Depending on the strength of a character’s bloodline, he gains a new bloodline trait every one, two, or four character levels (or effective character levels, for characters with a level adjustment greater than +0). The traits gained are given in each bloodline description.

Bloodline traits fall into four categories.

Ability Boost: You gain a permanent +1 increase to the given ability score. This is similar to the ability increase gained by characters at every fourth level.

Bloodline Affinity: You gain a bonus (either +2, +4, or +6) on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with creatures of your bloodline.

Skill Boost: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made with the given skill.

Special: You gain a special ability. Common bloodline special abilities include bonus feats, natural armor, special attacks (such as the ability to smite evil or smite good), special qualities (such as resistance to energy, spell resistance, or scent), or spell-like abilities.

If you already have a feat that a bloodline provides as a bonus feat, you may choose a different feat. For example, the minor celestial bloodline grants Alertness as a bonus feat at 8th level. If a character with this bloodline already has Alertness by the time he reaches 8th level, he can choose any other feat instead (subject to normal prerequisites, of course).