Way of the Zodiac (5e Subclass)
The discipline of a Zodiac Monk is closely linked to the stars above. Channeling the celestial might of heavenly constellations, these ascetics enter a Zodiac Stance through their innate ki.
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Posture is a ki element in channeling the Zodiac |
Zodiac Stance[edit]
Upon following this Monastic Tradition at level 3, you gain the ability to spend 3 ki points to enter a Zodiac Stance as an action. The stance lasts for your Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus rounds, minimum of 1, until you end it as a bonus action, or until you become incapacitated. The possible stances to choose from are detailed at the end of the subclass description.
You know 2 stances. You learn 2 additional stances at level 6, 11, and 17. At level 11 and 17 you may learn 1 stance from the advance stances category. When you learn a new stance, you may also replace one you already know with a different one.
Heavenly Flow[edit]
At level 6, you may enter a Zodiac Stance as a bonus action. Additionally, you can spend 1 ki point and a bonus action to switch stances, refreshing the amount of rounds you can be in Zodiac Stance as well.
Fist of the Heavens[edit]
Also at level 6, while holding a stance, your strikes are infused with the fate-determining power of the signs. When you land a melee attack, you can spend a ki point to grant the target disadvantage on their next attack roll.
Channel Hemisphere[edit]
At level 11, you gain the ability to assume two Zodiac Stances simultaneously by spending 5 ki points. When you use the Heavenly Flow feature to switch stances, you may switch one or both stances. Additionally, when you assume a stance or switch stances, your next attack deals an additional 1d10 radiant damage.
Shroud of the Heavens[edit]
At level 17, while you are in a Zodiac Stance, you may spend 5 Ki points to cast wall of force (you must maintain concentration). Also, You can use your action to explode with a bright, flashing light. Creatures that can see you must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute, the creature may make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns to end the effect. Creatures with sunlight sensitivity have disadvantage on the saving throw. You can only use the flash feature once per short or long rest.
- Dog. While in this stance, you gain the dog's playfulness. Your movement does not trigger opportunity attacks, and you can dash as a bonus action as no ki cost.
- Crane. While in this stance, you gain the crane's reach. Your unarmed strikes gain the reach property.
- Mantis. While in this stance, you channel the mantis' patience. When a melee attack misses you, you may make an opportunity attack against that creature.
- Monkey. While in this stance, you channel the monkey's mobility. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and your jump distance is quadrupled.
- Ox. While in this stance, you channel the ox's indomitability. You are immune to the frightened condition, and cannot be moved against your will or knocked prone.
- Tiger. While in this stance, you channel the tiger's ferocity. Attack rolls made with unarmed strikes and monk weapons score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
- Bear. While in this stance, you channel the bear's endurance. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Monk Level + your Wisdom Modifier.
Advanced Stances[edit]
- Scorpion. While in this stance, you channel the scorpion's aggressiveness. When you take the attack action, you can make one extra attack as part of the same action.
- Boar. While in this stance, you channel the Boar's resilience. You are resistant to nonmagical bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.
- Lion.While in this stance, you channel the lion's impression. When a creature targets you with an attack or a harmful spell, it must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. The saving throw DC for the spell equals 8 + your Wisdom + your proficiency bonus.
- Stag. While in this stance, you channel the stag's freedom. You cannot be restrained, grappled, or paralyzed. Opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage.
- Cobra. While in this stance, you channel the cobra's precision. Your unarmed strike and monk weapon attack rolls gain a +2 bonus.
- Dragon. While in this stance, you channel the dragon's potency. As an action, you may force all creatures within a 15-foot cone to make a Dexterity save. On a failure, the creature takes your unarmed strike damage and is knocked prone. A creature is not knocked prone but still takes half damage on a success.you can perform this action without cost only once per time you assume this stance otherwise you must spend 2 ki points to do so.
- Hyena. While in this stance, you channel the hyena's pack mentallity You gain Pack Tactics anyone who is not hostile towards you gain advantage on a attacks and also the user of this stance gains plus 3 to attack and damage.
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