User:Elderon The Dragon

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Hello my name is Elderon and you guessed it I am a dragon. I am 1,600 years old, and have a wife and two children. One is a Half-Dragon names Issaic and the other is a dragon cross between a Brass(me) and a Red(my wife), his name is Charmortis Analas. We live in a fairly large cave coutside a small town called Silverton in the Amarambi Deasert well, Me and the boys do, Scarlet lives in her cave in the FrostCap Mountains. But we keep the relationship alive and well. I hope to be making a few new friends here as I stay. See you out their my squishy friends.

Pleased to Meet You

I am pleased to be part of this organization with such a large group of adventurers who aren't shoving swords in my face. Only a few people have run screaming in terror at the sight of me but, that is normal (for me at least). What is not so normal is that a few people have been nice enough to acually greet me with kind hellos and a few trinkets and some parcels of food. This strikes me as odd, but I'm not one to complain. If you would like to join in on any discussions about me, my lair, my hoard, my life, my family, my friends, the towns that pay tribute to me, and well all the other things. I could go on for hours with this list. But for your times sake I won't. If you have any questions please feel free to ask, I don't bite, much. But, all fun aside I am happy to be here and hope to be able to find a few new friends as well.