yo. brand new to the site and to DnD.
adding a couple things here, mostly just for ease of sharing with my friends but I'm not apposed help with them
currently I've added these articles
- Perfect Focus
This is a feat I made for monks only. The idea is they are masters of focus. Mind over matter is their bread and butter. So they don't lose Concentration...ever. Through rage or spell effects or what have you, as long as they can think (aren't incapacitated) they can hold concentration. I added a few flavor effects that made sense and a "zen state" to make use of their concentration. (since I noticed most monks don't have anything to concentrate on.) Obviously I wanted the more monk you are the better at focus you are but I wanted multi class monks to have access to feat and it be tempting... just not be as powerful for them as full monks so I made the concentration check DC tied to the monk level. and there you have it my first feat. I will note someone was nice enough to fix my formatting errors after I put it up. :) (happy with overall design but welcome to balance discussions or edits)
- Consuming Rage
I'm trying to make essentially a Hulk style barbarian. one that could go from being wimpy intellectual to SMASH! I know it's a bit complicated and in the heat of battle it's a lot to keep up with but I think that's fun part. there are a few things I think still need work, but I'm happy with the feel of the ability. will edit as we try it out and see if it's op, under-tuned, or frustrating. open to suggestions on this.