Tsurani (3.5e Race)

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As a once slave race, these cousins of humanity have learned to truly adapt to their surroundings. Most daily routines of the average Tsurani involve dedicating 12-14 hours to their craft. They rarely accept imperfection in work they do. As most Tsurani are very dedicated, they tend to be neutral in alignment because of their indifference to anything but their own craft and opinion. Originally used as a warrior race by their controllers, the Drakken, they were tempered into Warriors in their first 5 generations after their move to their new home. Eventually their controllers left (most Tsurani believe it to be because of boredom) and the Tsurani were left to their vices.

Physical Description[edit]

Tsurani are nearly identical to Humans, however over time with their controller race they have adapted and even cross bred with their controllers making more ad more generations stronger and healthier.


They tend to be wary of other races because of their colored past with their controller race. However because of their indifference rarely will they distrust completely unless given reason.


As mentioned previously, most Tsurani are Neutral.


As Tsurani are closely related to Humanity, their acclimated climates and way of life are closely similar to Humans.


There are rarely a selected few deities that are preferred by the Tsurani. They are a culti-cultured race and therefore accept a multitude of deities.


Common and Tsuranurrani (Controller language).


As Humans.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -4 Wisdom: As their society started producing generations of mixed bloodlinew with their controller race, they started becoming stronger. However, they slowly became complacent and slow after their controller race left and because of their subservient nature they have weaker wills.
  • Humanoid
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, Tsurani have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
  • Tsurani base land speed is 30 feet
  • Lowlight Vision (Sp): Because of their parent race ancestry, Tsurani have lowlight vision out to 60 feet
  • War base Knowledge (Sp): Due to their war-like history, all Tsurani are taught the ways of war and receive the feats Power Attack at level 1 and Weapon Focus of a weapon of choice at level 2
  • Versatile: 1 extra feat at 1st level, because Tsurani are alike humans in shape and form, they are quick to master specialized tasks and varied in their talents. Additionally they receive 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level, since Tsurani are versatile and capable
  • Favored Class: Fighter

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