Faerie Folk (5e Race)

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Faerie Folk[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Faerie folk stand between six to eight inches tall. There are two types of faerie folk that can be distinguished by the wings on their backs. Sprites have butterfly or large moth-like wings; Pixies have dragonfly wings. Faerie folk have many different looks. Their wings come in many designs and patterns. They often look like tiny elves, with pointed ears and ranging skin and hair tones. They carry the normal array of human skin and hair tones as well as light shades of the rest of the spectrum of colors, coming from light shades of red to copper and bronze.


The fairies are a highly secretive people, leading to a great deal of mystery swirling around them. This imposed secrecy is a defensive tactic to protect themselves from exploitation or attack from other cultures. Being tiny creatures, they do not have the technological capacity to front a military or police force capable of maintaining justice through force. More important than simple security and law, however, is their effort to hide and secure the source of their origin- a fey crossing.

Faerie folk hail from the Feywild, a parallel dimension to the material plane. Locations which are nearly identical on both planes become natural portals, called fey crossings. It is through these crossings that fairies arrive in the material plane, and how they return to their homeland. Most fairy communities make some effort to protect or at least hide, such a crossing from those who would abuse it. Even the more passive pixie communities will take some effort to misdirect anyone who strays too close.


Despite the strong differences between faerie folk, there are some general trends among faerie cultures. A love of wilderness and nature, a respect for the natural order, natural inquisitiveness, confidence and courage beyond their size, an interest in magic, and secrecy are all faerie traits. Faerie folk communities align with one of two fae courts. The vast majority of faeries are of the Seelie court, but there are a distinct minority who are of a more sinister bent and align themselves with the Unseelie court. Unseelie faeries are almost indistinguishable from their Seelie counterparts- they all strongly tend toward neutral good- but the way they express their values, and the way their personalities manifest, are very different. Seelie pixies may trick a man into falling into a pit of horse manure as a jest. Unseelie fairies would trick a child into falling into a pit of thorns as a jest. Seelie sprites may put an interloper to sleep and drag him to the forest edge. Unseelie sprites may drag the same interloper to the mouth of some monster's den if they determine him unworthy. Unseelie faeries, despite being the distinct minority, are the source of most human prejudices against faeries.

Faerie Folk Names[edit]

Faerie folk will often take on the names of humans or elves, and sometimes those of the plants and trees that they find their homes in.

Faerie Dust[edit]

When visible, a shower of sparkling dust follows in their wake like the glittering tail of a shooting star. A mere sprinkle of pixie dust is said to be able to grant the power of flight, confuse a creature hopelessly, or send foes into a magical slumber. Only pixies can use their dust to its full potential, but these fey are constantly sought out by mages and monsters seeking to study or master their power.

Faerie Traits[edit]

Tiny winged folk who hail from the Feywild.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Faerie folk are born of and do not age as normal races do, and after reaching maturity they do not die except from wound or disease. Rare is one that lives beyond 500 years.
Alignment. Your race tends towards neutral good.
Size. Faerie folk are usually between 0.5 ½ a foot to 1 foot in height. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed of 10 feet. You have a flying speed of 30 feet and you can hover if you are no more than 10 feet off the ground, if you are more than 10 feet off the ground when you end your turn you will fall until you are within the 10 feet of the ground.
Frail Strength. Faerie folk are not made for manual labor. You have disadvantage on all Strength checks and saving throws. You can lift no more than 10 pounds.
Nimble. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours and may end your turn in the space of another creature of a size larger than your own. Your melee attacks have a reach of 0 feet.
Tiny Stuff. The gear granted to you by your class and background are assumed to have come from your faerie community and be crafted to suit your size. Read the section Faerie Gear at the bottom of this page to apply the unique rules associated with Tiny weapons and armor crafted by faeries. Unique faerie weapons and armor are available to choose from the appropriate weapons lists if you are given an option. (IE: if your class lets you choose one simple weapon, the fairy bow and needle is included in that list.)
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Natures Child. Children of the Feywild have a native gift for the natural world. You are proficient in the Nature skill.
Invisibility. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the invisibility spell on yourself once, requiring no material components. You regain the ability to cast this spell with this trait when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Faerie Fancy. Your people are renowned both for their love of music, and the widespread art of creating potions, poultices, and remedies. You are proficient in either the herbalism kit, or any one musical instrument of your choice.
Faerie and Folk. Your creature type is considered to be both humanoid and fey.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak Common, Elvish, and Sylvan.
Subrace. As a faerie folk you must choose from one of two subraces: pixie or sprite.


Your wings are see-through and you have a sheen that shows in a single color; the patterns your wings carry are often entrancing. Your skin has grown small patches of thin scales, matching the color of your wings.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Wee Warrior. You have a reach of 5 feet, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.


Your wings have a fine loose powder that trails behind you in a color to match your wings; wings can range in many different shades and colors. Many patterns carry multiple colors while some only carry a single color in varying shades; your wings may also come in many designs that are both elegant and subtle.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Fairy Dust. You can cast the sleep spell once. You regain the ability to cast this spell with this trait when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

Table: Faerie Folk Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
0′ 6″ +1d6 12 oz. × 2 oz.

Faerie Gear[edit]

A faerie folk have a scaled equivalent of a weapon, it deals half its damage die due to its reduced weight (1d4=1d2, 1d6=1d3, 1d8=1d4, 1d10=1d5, 1d12=1d6).
All weapons crafted by faerie use the Undersized (5e Variant Rule) weapon property. For example:

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