Talk:Phantom Thief of Hearts (5e Class)

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Talk: Phantom Thief of Hearts (5e Class)[edit]

This page needs some serious fixes. (Note from user WeGoblinFolk: I came in to do grammar edits and found a bunch of balance issues. Someone with balancing experience should probably take over.)

Issues include:

General lack of balance[edit]

At this stage, the class is unusable in a normal game.

Necessary balance edits: Remove movement speed leveling boosts. (Assuming base movement speed of 30, a level 20 Phantom Thief would be able to move 400ft in one turn. Obviously, this essentially negates the purpose of having a movement speed.)

Attack Prediction Feat. This needs grammar fixes as well, but it mostly needs to have consequences should you fail your check.

Extra Persona Feat. Change to using full action to switch to prevent "quick switching" for single turns.

All-Out Attack Feat. This... There's a lot wrong with this one.

1. Uses other players. It specifies this does not negate the other players' turns. This is straight-up an extra turn for allies???

2. Uses d20 as damage die. Even high level spells don't use d20s for damage, and this feat is available at 5th level. At max level, this feat would deal 4d20 damage. The feat is vague on whether the damage is cumulative or individual.

3. Melee attack. This attack specifies itself as a melee attack, but does not require allies to be melee-based attackers.

4. Attack modifiers. This specifies that the attack modifiers are based on those of the Phantom Thief. How does that even work in RP?

There's so much more that needs to be done, but these few examples give editing somewhere to start. - WeGoblinFolk 22:19, 21 September 2020 (MDT)