Statue Domain (5e Subclass)

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Clerics of the Statue[edit]

An subclass of the Cleric class. Clerics of the statue realized some gods are bored and like a good vessel. They will carry around small statues that they call gods assistance into

Vengeance Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Druid craft, mending

entangle, earth tremor

5th lesser restoration, earthbind
7th Stoneskin, stone shape
9th Investiture of Stone, move earth

Bonus Proficiency[edit]

Starting at level 1st level, you gain proficiency with Mason tools and heavy armor. You may use these tools to make a statue during a long rest as long as sound is available.

Holy statue[edit]

When you select this subclass you can imbue holy energies into a statue as an action. For 1 hour or until you dismiss it the statue gains sentience using the table below. It takes is turn at the same time as you but you must use your bonus action to pray to give it a simple command.

Table tbd

Channel Divinity: Stone swap (working title)[edit]

At 2nd level, you can expend your channel divinity as an action to turn to stone and crumble away, then burst out of a statue effected by your holy statue ability.

Godly weapons[edit]

At 6th level, all attacks made by statues are considered magical when applying resistances.

Holy Connection[edit]

At 8th level, your connection to the the gods grows, your holy statues can make an additional attack on each of their turns.

Vengeful Divinity[edit]

Starting at 17th level, all attacks that hit gain an additional damage die of damage. This damage type changes depending on the God you call on. For example the raven queen would use cold or necrotic damage.

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