Spirit Bound Hunter (5e Class)

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Spirit Bound Hunter[edit]

The shadowfell is one of the planes of existence that border the material plane, and thus, rifts between the two planes are not uncommon, spewing vile creatures of darkness that threaten the inhabitants of the material worlds. Spirit Bound Hunters are trained to hunt those beings.

Balance of Darkness and Light[edit]

These hunters learned that the best way to counter the darkness is to use the darkness themselves. They bound their souls to shadow beasts, creatures of pure darkness, and harness its might to withstand the forces of shadows. To balance this, they are servants of the light, and learn how to channel the light to purify the darkness on others and on themselves.

This delicate balance between shadow and light is not always kept, and some hunters are consumed by the beast inside them, leading to great tragedy. The stronger a hunter grows, the stronger the shadows inside him become, increasing the need for great knowledge over the light to counteract the growing shadows.

The Mastery Over Blades[edit]

Small blades are the prefered weapons for Spirit Bound Hunters. Daggers and knives are versatile, being both a melee and a ranged weapon, easily carried and concealed, and easier to infuse with their light.

The style of combat for Spirit Bound Hunters is aggressive and highly mobile, forcing them to keep themselves engaged with enemies, attacking and retreating quickly. This style is great against shadows, since great weapons would be a hindrance against the fast and sudden attacks from those creatures.

Class Features

As a Spirit Bound Hunter you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Spirit Bound Hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Spirit Bound Hunter level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a pair of daggers or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • a light crossbow and 20 crossbow bolts
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Spirit Bound Hunter

Level Proficiency
Features Shadowbind Powers Known Light Powers Known Light Points Light Limit
1st +2 Shadowbind, Spirit Bound Hunter Order 1 - - 2
2nd +2 Blade Mastery, Light Channeling 1 1 4 2
3rd +2 Shadowmeld, Order Feature 2 1 6 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 1 6 2
5th +3 Extra Attack 3 2 14 3
6th +3 Nimbleness of Night 3 2 14 3
7th +3 Order Feature 4 2 17 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 17 3
9th +4 Shadowbringer 5 3 27 5
10th +4 Fearless Hunter 5 3 27 5
11th +4 Order Feature 6 3 32 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 3 32 5
13th +5 Light Channeling Improvement 7 4 38 6
14th +5 Shadow Stalker 7 4 38 6
15th +5 Order Feature 8 4 44 6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 44 6
17th +6 Shadowbringer (2) 9 4 57 7
18th +6 Unsettling Aura 9 4 57 7
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 64 7
20th +6 Body of Light 10 4 64 7


Starting at 1st level, you learn how to use the shadows bound to you, harnessing its power to enhance yourself. You know a number of Shadowbind Powers depending on your level, as indicated on the Shadowbind Powers Known column Spirit Bound Hunter table.

All shadowbind powers must be prepared first, requiring you to attune to your inner darkness. From your known powers, you must choose a limited amount of them before hand. You can prepare a number of shadowbind powers equal to your proficiency bonus whenever you finish a long rest.

You recover your Shadowbind Powers after finishing a long rest. If you meditate for 1 hour in an area of darkness during a short rest, you regain 1 shadowbind power use.

Shadowbind powers taint you with shadows, which empowers the shadow beast bound to your soul, threatening those around you. See the Shadowbind Powers section for more details about this.


Each power have a taint score. When you start your turn and your taint is higher than your Wisdom modifier, the Beast is unleashed. While the Beast is Unleashed, you must move up to your movement speed as a reaction and attack that closest ally within range. You then must take the Attack action make the maximum number of attacks possible as part of the action. If there's no ally within range, the Beast takes revenge on yourself, causing 1d6 necrotic damage per taint point.

When you finish a short rest, your taint is reduced by 1. All your taint is to 0 after you finish a long rest. If your beast is unleashed, you can choose to suffer 1 level of exhaustion to reduce your current taint to an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Spirit Bound Hunter Order[edit]

Also at 1st level, you choose an order of Spirit Bound Hunters to integrate to. Your choice give you features at 1st level, and again at 3rd, 7th, 11th and 15th levels.

Sense Darkness[edit]

Finally at 1st level, you can detect the presence of darkness nearby. As an Action, you gain darkvision up to a range of 30 feet. You can see through normal and magical darkness, and can sense the presence of any creature from the shadowfell, or any portal to the shadowfell within 30 feet.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, regaining its uses after a long rest.

Blade Mastery[edit]

At 2nd level, you become a master in the use of daggers in combat. When wielding a dagger in each hand, you can attack with your offhand dagger once per turn using a Reaction rather than a Bonus Action. You can't use your Bonus Action for two-weapon fighting if you do so.

In addition, you can draw and stow a pair of daggers when you would normally be able to only draw or stow one.

Light Channeling[edit]

Also at 2nd level, you have learned how to channel the power of light, to counteract the shadows that threaten to consume you. This enable you to use Light Powers, magical rites that draw from the planes of divine light.

Light Points

You can channel light from the divine planes through your body, accessing its power. This light is represented by a number of light points. The number of light points you have is based on your Spirit Bound Hunter level, as shown in the Light Points column of the Spirit Bound Hunter table. The number shown for your level is your light point maximum. Your light point total returns to its maximum when you finish a long rest. The number of light points you have can’t go below 0 or over your maximum. Each power cost an amount of mana points, indicated on its description.

Light Limit

One can only channel so much light without harming its own body, and it takes training and practice to channel that energy. There is a limit on the number of light points you can spend in a single turn. The limit is based on your Spirit Bound Hunter level, as shown in the Light Limit column of the Spirit Bound Hunter table. For example, as a 5th-level Spirit Bound Hunter, you can't spend more than 5 light points on a single turn, no matter how many light points you have.

Powers Known

You know one power of your choice from the Light Powers list below, learning more as you gain levels in this class, as shown on the Light Powers Known column of the Spirit Bound Hunter table

Light Ability

Charisma is the ability used for your Light Powers. You use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell or when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier


At 3rd level, if you spend 1 minute in an area of darkness, you become invisible to creatures that can see in the darkness until you make an attack, cast a spell, enter in an area of bright light or use light channeling.

Starting at 10th level, when you shadowmeld you can see in the darkness as if it were bright light.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Nimbleness of the Light[edit]

At 6th level, you can merge your light into your combat abilities. As long as you have 1 light point remaining, you add your proficiency bonus to your Initiative rolls.

In addition, if you have 1 light point remaining, attacks made against creatures that haven't take a turn yet is made with Advantage.


At 9th level, your control and versatility when using the power of darkness increases. You can use an Action to use any shadow power of your choice, even if you don't have it prepared or doesn't know it.

When you use a Shadow Power in such a manner, you gain 1 shadow taint, in addition to any shadow taint gained by the power itself.

You can use this feature once, being unable to do so again until you finish a long rest. You can use this feature twice between rests at 17th level.

Fearless Hunter[edit]

At 10th level, you no longer fear the darkness. You become immune to the frightened condition and gain resistance to necrotic damage.

Shadow Stalker[edit]

At 14th level, you have Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception) checks made on an area of dim light or darkness.

In addition, you gain +1 to your AC and your attacks are considered magical against aberration and undead creatures when you are in dim light or darkness.

Unsettling Aura[edit]

At 18th level, any hostile creature that enter an area within 30 feet of you for the first time or start its turn there must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or is frightened of you as long as it remains in this area.

A creature who succeeds the save against this aura is immune to it for the next 24 hours.

Body of Light[edit]

At 20th level, whenever you roll initiative, you recover light points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Hunting Orders[edit]

Order of the Light Bringers[edit]

Light bringers recognize the importance of the shadow powers, but are wary of it, highly conscious of its danger. For this reason, they rely on a deeper knowledge over the light, countering more effectively the taint of darkness.

Armor of Light

At 1st level, the light protects your body from harm. As an Action, you can invoke an armor of light that grants you an AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier. This armor creates an aura of bright light in a 20-foot radius around you, plus dim light in another 20 feet.

You can dismiss the armor of light using another action.

Daggers of Light

At 3rd level, you can manifest constructs of light that take the shape of a dagger in each of your empty hands. These daggers have the same properties of a normal dagger, but cause radiant damage, rather than piercing.

Once per turn when you throw a dagger of light, you can throw an additional one targeting a second creature within 5 feet of the first one.

Light Caster

At 7th level, whenever you use an Action to use one of your Light Channeling powers, you can use a Bonus Action to make an attack with a dagger of light. This Bonus Action improves with the Blade Mastery Improvement feature.


At 11th level, you can cast Blinding Smite at the start of your turn, without using an Action or using concentration. Once you do so, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 light points to do so again.

Purifying Radiance

At 15th level, whenever you channel light, a wave of cleansing radiance flows from you, targeting you plus an additional number of creatures within 30 feet equal to the number of light points spent. Each creature regain hit points equal to half your Spirit Bound Hunter level + the number of light points spent.

Order of the Darkstalkers[edit]

Darkstalkers relish in the power of darkness, using them to the full extent. They learned that the fear of the darkness is what made so many hunters to succumb to its power. Thus, they chose to embrace the darkness to control it, instead of being controlled by it.

Aura of Shadows

At 1st level, you can manipulate the shadows that surround you to prevent attacks. Your AC when not wearing armor or shield, is 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

In addition, you use your Charisma, rather than Wisdom, to determine the amount of taint you can accumulate before unleashing the shadow beast.


At 3rd level, you can spend 1 prepared Dark Power to, instead, infuse your blade with shadows. When you do so, you cause additional 1d4 necrotic damage until you finish your next rest. Using your shadowblade doesn't increase your taint. The necrotic damage increases to 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 11th level and 1d10 at 17th level.

Obscure Lore

At 7th level, you can use a reaction to use your taint defensively. When you are hit by an attack, you can use a reaction to add your current taint to your AC, potentially causing the attack to miss.

Beast of Darkness

At 11th level, when you use your Shadowbringer feature, you no longer have additional shadow taint for doing so.

In addition, you regain 2 shadow power uses, instead of one, whenever you finish a short rest.

Shadow Vortex

At 15th level, you can use an Action to create a vortex of darkness that engulf an area within 5 feet of you. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take necrotic damage equal to 1d6 per taint you currently have.

Order of the Blade Master[edit]

Blade masters trust in the dark and light powers, but only rely on steel to keep themselves safe. The steel of their blades is the material plane manifested, their home planes and the place the sworn to protect, thus they heighten their combat abilities with it to the highest potential.

Parrying Blade

At 1st level, you can use your daggers for both attack and defense. While engaging in two-weapon fighting with a pair of daggers, you gain a bonus of +2 to your AC.

In addition, you gain proficiency with light and medium armor, and you ignore Disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for those types of armor.

Curving Blade

Starting at 3rd level, when you miss a creature with an attack using a dagger, you can use a reaction to make another attack against the same creature.

Planned Attack

At 7th level, you can use an Action to prepare an attack beforehand. You can then use a Bonus Action to make an attack with each dagger you wield, using a Bonus Action. These attacks have Advantage.

Dance of Daggers

At 11th level, you can use an Action to make multiple weapon attacks using daggers. You can choose a number of creatures within range equal to your proficiency bonus, and make one attack with a dagger against each one of them.

You can alternate between melee and ranged attacks when using your Dance of Daggers.

Bladed Defense

At 15th level, when wielding a dagger in each hand, you gain the benefits of half cover. If you are currently behind half cover, you gain three quarters cover instead.

Light and Shadowbind Powers[edit]

Light Powers[edit]

Spirit bound hunters learn how to master and control the light, both to use these abilities against entities of darkness and to prevent the darkness inside themselves to take control and consume them.

Circle of Light

As an Action, you spend 2+ light to conjure a circle of light surrounding you. All enemies in a 5-foot radius (+ 5 feet per point spent above 2) must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or they are blinded until the end of their next turn.

Until the end of your next turn, the area within 10 feet of you is considered to be in bright light, and additional 10 feet of dim light is generated beyond that. Both areas increases in 10 feet per point spent.

At 13th level, your target is also branded by light while blinded. This cause attacks against that target to have Advantage.

Shadow Corruption. You can spend shadow points instead to cause darkness to surround you. The spell has the same effects, but instead of being in an area of light until the end of your turn, your area becomes covered in darkness. At 13th level, the target is contaminated by darkness, becoming poisoned for the duration. (Requires Corrupted Light power}}.
Cleansing Light

As an Action, you can spend 2+ light to purge the darkness inside a creature you can see within 30 feet (+1 creature per point spent above 2). You can end one curse, the frightened condition or the charmed condition on that creature.

At 13th level, you can also remove the poisoned, paralyzed or stunned conditions using this light.

Shadow Corruption. You impose the frightened condition on the creature, rather than removing it, for 1 minute. The target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns to try to remove the effect. At 13th level, you can choose to impose the poisoned condition using this feature. (Requires Corrupted Light power}}.
Reflection of the Moon

As an Action, you spend 2+ points to unleash a beam of light in a 5 feet by 30-foot line, forcing all fiend and undead creatures inside that area to make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 1d6 radiant damage per point spent, or half as much on a success. A fiend or undead that fail the save is also frightened of you for 1 minute, being able to make a Wisdom save at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.

At 13th level, the damage increases by 1d6, and a creature who fail the save is blinded until the start of their turns.

Shadow Corruption. The beam causes necrotic damage, rather than radiant and the target that is not a fiend or undead is also frightened for 1 minute on a failed save. All the other effects apply as normal. (Requires Corrupted Light power}}.
Sanctum of Light

As an Action, you spend 2 points cause light to close your wounds, restoring you hit points equal to 2d6 + your Wisdom modifier - your current taint (+2d6 per point spent after 2).

At 13th level, you also gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of hit points recovered.

Shadow Corruption. You cause the darkness to corrupt you instead, creating a shadowy aura around your body for 1 minute. The next time a creature hit you with an attack, the shadowy aura leaves your body and leaps to the attacker, causing necrotic damage equal to 2d6 + your current taint to that creature. At 13th level, you also gain temporary hit points equal to the necrotic damage caused. (Requires Corrupted Light power}}.

Shadowbind Powers[edit]

Shadow Mantle

As an Action, you can gain 1 taint give yourself resistance to necrotic damage for 10 minutes.

Dark Blood

As an Action, you cause the shadow to coarse through your veins. You gain 2 taint and, for the next minute, whenever a creature makes a melee weapon attack against you while within 5 feet it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d6 necrotic damage.

Eyes of Darkness

As an Action, you can gain 1 taint to gain darkvision up to a range of 120 feet, lasting for 1 hour.

Cloak of Darkness

As an Action, you gain 2 taint to gain temporary hit points equal to half your Spirit Bound Hunter level + your Wisdom modifier.

Shadow Body

As an Action, you gain 2 taint to become immune to necrotic damage for the next hour.

Spectral Body

As an Action, you gain 1 taint to assume the form of a shadow. You become amorphous, being able to squeeze in between gaps of 1-foot, and gain a climb speed equal to your movement speed. This lasts for 1 hour.

Corrupted Light

Prerequisite: 9th level

As an Action, you can gain 2 taint to gain shadow points equal to half your Spirit Bound Hunter level. Using taint points you can use the Shadow Corrupted version of the Light Channeling powers.

You can't spend your Shadow Points if your taint is not at its maximum. The shadow points are lost after 10 minutes if not spent.

Corrupted Might

Prerequisite: 9th level

As an Action, you can gain 2 taint to empower the shadows within you. For 1 minute. whenever you use a Shadow Corrupted power, you Impose Disadvantage on the saving throws against its effects.

Shadow Might

As an Acton, you can gain 1 taint to empower yourself for 1 minute. For the duration, you add your proficiency bonus to your Strength score.

Tainted Meat

As an Action, you can gain 2 taint to bind the shadows to your muscles, bones and skin, causing your body to grow thick and hardened. You gain temporary hit points equal to your current taint x half your Spirit Bound Hunter level.

Shadow Hunger

As an Action, you gain 2 taint to let the hunger of the beast partially consume you, making you stronger, but reckless. For 1 minute, all attacks made against you have Advantage and you have Disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws. However, all melee weapon attacks you make have Advantage and you gain a bonus equal to half your Spirit Bound Hunter level (rounded down) to all damage rolls.

Tainted Touch

As an Action, you can touch a creature within 5 feet. That creature gain Taint equal to your current taint, and you lose that taint.

Shadowy Shield

As an Action, you can gain 1 taint allow your shadows to leak from your body, covering you, protecting you from attacks. When a creature hit you with an attack, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage taken by your current taint. After reducing damage equal to 5 x your taint, this effect ends.

Mind of Darkness

As an Action, you can let the darkness sip into your mind, grant you resilience against its own effects. You gain Advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition. You also can see normally inside darkness, dim light or magical darkness.

Consumed by Darkness

Prerequisite 17th level

As an Action, you can let the darkness embrace you, turning you into a monster of darkness. You gain 2 taint, and your shape changes, becoming corrupted, with limbs elongated, distorted and your body assume the darkness of black ink. You gain a penalty in all Charisma checks except for intimidation, and a bonus to your Strength and Constitution checks and to your damage rolls. The bonus equals your current level - the number of light points you have in the moment you used this power. The effects last for 1 minute.

Claws of Darkness

As an Action, you gain 1 taint to morph your limbs into shadowy distorted limbs. You don't gain taint if you are under the effects of Tainted Meat, Consumed by Darkness or Shadow Body. The claws last for 1 minute.

While active, Claws of Darkness increase your damage die with unarmed strikes to 1d6, and you can use your Blade Mastery feature using these claws. The damage type is necrotic. In addition, you cause additional damage to humanoids and beasts equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Spirit Bound Hunter class, you must have a 13 Dexterity and 13 Charisma.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Spirit Bound Hunter class, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor, simple weapons, alchemist supplies.

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