Monster Manual by CR (World of Tyrus Supplement)

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The Tarrasque

This is a list of all the creatures you could possibly find in a World of Tyrus campaign, ordered by CR. Not all of these, however, are necessarily present in the standard world. Unless otherwise stated, you may use these creatures wherever and whenever it is plausible, though it should always be done in a logical, balanced way.

This list includes creatures from the SRD, as well as homebrew creatures that can be implemented into the World of Tyrus campaign setting. At your DM's discretion, other creatures may be added to a campaign that are not in this list.

CR 1/10

CR 1/8

CR 1/6

CR 1/4

CR 1/3

CR 1/2

CR 1

CR 2


CR 3

CR 4

CR 5

CR 6

CR 7

CR 8

CR 9

CR 10

CR 11

CR 12

CR 13

CR 14

CR 15

CR 16

CR 17

CR 18

CR 19

CR 20

CR 21

CR 22

CR 23

CR 24

CR 25

CR 26

CR 27

CR 28

CR 29

CR 30-39

CR 40-49

CR 50-59

CR 60-69

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Now as of old the gods give men all good things, excepting only those that are baneful and injurious and useless. These, now as of old, are not gifts of the gods: men stumble into them themselves because of their own blindness and folly.
—Cleric of Tea-Su, Benvolio Jones