User:Blackcatz20/Space Bean (5e Race)

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Space Bean[edit]

"It could be anyone!"

Physical Description[edit]

Space beans are rather short alien beings. Their outer skin is a hardened chitin plate of a single color, such as red or green. Their two eyes are hidden behind a semitransparent "visor" of special chitin. The eyes of a space bean are milky white and practically blind if not covered by the "visor" - which is rare unless grievous injury is involved, because the visor is grafted to the eyes. Finally, the bean has a form of "pouch" on its back. The pouch is bound to the spine by nerves and can carry a small amount of items.


Space beans have an unclear history. However, the species is not very old and a recent arrival. They were first reported when one of their spelljammer ships, a Skeld model, crashed.


Space bean society centers on their bases, such as airships or a tall metropolis made of transparent towers. Their society involves a rather complex courting ritual (despite their ability to reproduce without a partner) and initiation ceremonies. Woefully, many crew are killed by occupational hazards a long time before reproducing, rendering the species quite rare.

Space Bean Names[edit]

Space bean names are unisex. Not much is known about whether they have any genders either. Many beans are called by their colours, since their names can only be pronounced in their native language.

Names: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Pink, White, Black, Cyan, Fortegreen

Space Bean Traits[edit]

Small, colorful creatures originating from the social deduction game Among Us.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Space beans reach maturity at age 14 and can live up to 150 years, but do to dangerous work environments they rarely reach old age.
Alignment. Space beans are quite lawful. Most of them have trouble comprehending "good" thanks to a hostile upbringing. Impostors are usually chaotic and solitary creatures.
Size. You're quite short, averaging 4'10. However, you're still tall enough to count as Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Outer Chitin. You have an outer layer of coloured chitin. This provides a +1 bonus to AC when wearing light or no armor.
Paranoid. You're always alert when around others. You have proficiency in Insight and gain a +2 bonus to Insight checks.
Tech Savvy. You have advantage on all checks to understand technological items or use them.
Back Pouch. You have a small "pouch" on your back, which can hold up to 5 lbs of items. All backpacks you wear must be custom-made to account for this feature.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Space Bean.
Subrace. Space bean subraces include Crewmates and Impostors. Pick one of the two.


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score or Wisdom score increases by 2.
Task Master. You have a +2 bonus to any checks made to craft items and gain proficiency with two sets of artisan's tools.
Linguist. Crewmates interact with various cultures. You know one additional language of your choice.
Well-Prepared. You start the game with an extra five days of rations.
Suspicious. You can gain a +6 bonus to an Intimidation check once per long rest.
Specialization. Every crewmate is different. Choose a specialization from below.

  • Engineer. You have a burrowing speed of 5 feet. You can only use it while standing on a non-natural surface. However, you have a -2 penalty to Charisma checks.
  • Balanced. You gain no bonuses or penalties except for an extra skill proficiency of your choice.
  • Scientist. You have proficiency in three skills of your choice, but disadvantage on all Strength checks.
  • Sheriff. You have proficiency with the heavy crossbow. However, you gain a -2 penalty on Deception and Persuasion checks.
  • Detective. You have advantage on Persuasion and Investigation checks, but you have a -4 penalty on all Strength checks.


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score or Dexterity increases by 2.
Sneaky. You have advantage on Stealth checks.
Vent. You have a burrowing speed of 5 feet. You may not use this speed in areas that have a natural earth floor. You also gain a -1 penalty to all Charisma checks (stacks) if a stranger sees you enter or exit a vent, because of embarassment.
Piercing Tongue. You have a sharp tongue you can use offensively. This natural weapon does 1d6 + Dex damage and has a reach of 10 feet.
Gamble. You like to take a bit of a gamble every now and then. Once per day you may double your ability modifier to any one check. If the check fails, you get disadvantage on checks involving that ability score until you take a long rest.
Specialization. Impostors come in various flavours. Pick one of these specializations.

  • Shapeshifter. You can imitate any humanoid you have seen. However, you don't gain any of their abilities, and the morph lasts only for an hour, after which your disguise visibly sloughs off your body like a shed snakeskin, revealing you as a shapeshifter.
  • Assassin. Your tongue weapon deals 2d4 + Dex damage instead of 1d6. However, you take a -2 penalty on Charisma checks with skills other than Deception.
  • Balanced. You gain no traits or penalties, but instead proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • Smooth Talker. Your tongue weapon instead has 5 feet of reach, but you have a +2 bonus to Deception and Persuasion skill checks.
  • Ventmaster. Your burrowing speed increases to 10 feet, but you gain a -3 penalty to Strength checks.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

3′ 7'' +1d8 90 lb. × (2d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a space bean character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d4 Personality Trait
1 I never get a good night's rest, because sleeping too deeply could make me vulnerable.
2 It's odd being somewhere with so much life. I'm used to a sterile environment!
3 I often count the number of things that could use fixing around me.
4 I love tinkering with absolutely anything I can find.
d6 Ideal
1 Power. I need enough power to frighten anyone who would dare attack me, so I can be safe.
2 Society. Safety is in large numbers.
3 Knowledge. Knowledge will help me stay ahead of my foes.
4 Friendship. It's too dangerous a world to have any friends, but maybe one day I can change that.
5 Respect. Relationships keep me safe, and they are built on respect.
6 Cunning. Fighting is futile when a simple bribe could help.
d6 Bond
1 Someone I cared for died to help me. I will always remember them.
2 I have a rival back home, and I can't keep them waiting for our contests too long.
3 There's one person I met in my galactic travels that I just can't wait to court.
4 I have a pet inanimate object that helps me calm down.
5 There's one relative whose legacy I aspire to emulate.
6 Anybody I trust will be guarded with my life.
d6 Flaw
1 EVERYONE IS SUS! Nobody can truly be trusted, no matter what!
2 I lose opportunities because I never act.
3 I'm one heck of a coward and will run from anything to save my life.
4 I'm way too protective of those I care for and get in the way of their lives.
5 No matter what, I'll always be alone. I just don't care about people.
6 Sometimes I feel the need to take it out on others. Not desire. Need.
(one vote)

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