Sleep Trap (4e Trap)

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A magical object taking up one square, such as a pillar with a grey orb mounted on it, that overwhelms its targets with a tide of magical weariness. Once the pillar is destroyed the orb will fall and crack, harmlessly shattering into worthless glass. The Trap attacks any creature that come within it's range (20 squares) unless it has been enchanted to not attack them. Players can make an Knowlage Arcana Check, DC 15 to identify it when they see it.

Sleep Traps can be used to make adventurers vunerable to attacks from other traps or from monsters. It can be used to great effect in fights with monsters immune to sleep spells, such as constructs and undead.

Sleep Trap
Level 3 Elite Trap
300 XP
Detect: Perception DC 18 Initiative: -
HP 40
AC 15; Fortitude 0, Reflex 2, Will -
Immune poison, psychic, necrotic, forced movement, all conditions, ongoing damage
Triggered Actions
Area.png Attack(Arcane, Sleep) ♦ Recharge D6 (5).png D6 (6).png
Attack: Ranged 20, +5 vs. Will.
Trigger: A creature comes within range
Hit: The target is Slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends).
Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).
Destroy, ♦Disable: Arcana DC 25 (Must be next to the Sleep Trap) Success: The trap is disabled.

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