Nomadic Arrow Conclave (5e Subclass)

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Nomadic Arrow Conclave[edit]

Ranger Subclass

Nomadic rangers are individuals who possess psychic powers, and use telekinesis to control the trajectory of their projectiles, and can even imbue them with limited sentience when they become strong enough.

Conclave Spells

Also at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell of 1st level or higher when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Nomadic Arrow Spells table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.

Ranger Level Spells
3rd catapult
5th levitate
9th fly
13th raulothim’s psychic lance
17th animate objects
Flying Arrow

At 3rd level, you can enchant an arrow, turning it into a flying arrow. You can draw or stow the flying arrow on your turn, without using an action. When you take the Attack action, you can use your attacks to attack with the arrow using your spell attack bonus (no weapon required) causing 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage on a hit. The range of the attack is 120 feet, and the attack ignore half and three quarters cover. The arrow is not destroyed upon impact.

If your flying arrow is destroyed, you can turn another one into a flying arrow after finishing a long rest. You can also create a flying arrow by touching an arrow and spending a spell slot. You can't have more than a single flying arrow at the same time.

Seeking Arrow

Also at 3rd level, whenever you miss a ranged attack, you can use your bonus action to reroll the attack. You can choose to target the same creature or a different one.

Precise Arrow

At the 7th level, the arrow gains the ability to apply spells to targets, both hostile and friendly. The range of spells that target a creature or location is increased to your weapon’s range. Seeking Arrow can be applied to the spells cast, allowing you to cast the spell on any creature within 15ft of the previous creature targeted.

When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you may spend a spell slot to target a specific part of the creature's body, gaining one of the following effects:

  • Target the leg, the creature must succeed on a DEX or STR saving throw or lose 15 feet of movement on their next turn.
  • Target the eyes to blind the target for one turn. Target must succeed on a DEX saving throw or be blinded until your next turn.
  • Target the arm to attempt to disarm them. Target must succeed on a STR saving throw to maintain a hold on the weapon or be unable to make weapon actions until your next turn.

For every spell level higher than the 1st, the DC is increased by 1d4.

Critical Arrow

Upon reaching level 11, when you score a critical hit with a ranged weapon attack (enchanted arrow), all of your following attacks made using this instance of Seeking Arrow are automatically critical hits. Your ranged weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20

Accelerating Arrow

At level 15, the Ravager uses their seeking arrow gracefully and with deadly speed. The seeking arrow deals an additional Xd6 damage, where X is the number of creatures that have been hit by this instance of Seeking Arrow.

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