Physicist (5e Subclass)

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Rogue Archetype

An accomplished scientist one day, doing a thought experiment, discover a great secret of the world. He has uncovered a way to manipulate the force that reign us all. Physicists use intelligence to manipulate the forces the govern the nature and the rules in the universe.


Starting at 3rd level, your mind is always agitate, you are always thinking about your surroundings, the universe, the best way to eat that meal on the other table. You don't have fear of being aggressive with new theories but also respect the solid base of current physics theory. You can alternate between the following states whenever you'd like and as a bonus action in combat:

Follow the Books. You add your Intelligence modifier to your AC against the next attack you take until the start of your next turn.
Calculated Risks. You add your Intelligence modifier to the result of your attack roll.

At 3rd level, the universe seems to shape and morph before your eyes, and you learn how to understand them, giving it a name: Phenomena. You have a number of phenomena points equal to half your rogue level (rounded up). When you spend a phenomena point, it is unavailable to you until you finish a short or a long rest. The maximum amount of phenomena you can spend in a single turn equals your proficiency bonus.

You start by knowing four phenomena, and gain additional one at 9th, 13th and 17th levels. Some phenomena have level pre-requisites, that indicate that you must be a rogue of that level in order to choose that phenomena.

phenomena require a saving throw to resist. The save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. If a phenomena requires an attack, your Phenomena Attack Bonus equals your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Accentuate Space. : You can spend 1 phenomena point as a bonus action to attempt to push or pull a target. Choose an object or creature within 30 feet. That target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or is moved horizontally 30 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice.
Accentuate Space Variation (Leap). You can use your bonus action and spend 1 phenomena to fly up to 30 feet. You must end your flight on the ground, or else you fall.
Re-knitting the Fabric. You can create a pocket dimension of 5-foot cube, were you can fit an object on your possession. The pocket dimension can only be accessed by you, using a bonus action. The dimension lasts for 8 hours. You can have multiple pocked dimensions open at the same time.
Accentuate Space Variation (Projectiles). You can accelerate or deflect projectiles. When a projectile is shot or thrown within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction and spend 1 phenomena to increase or reduce the damage of that projectile by 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier. In addition, if you know this phenomena, you can use your Phenomena Attack Bonus, instead of your Ranged Attack Bonus for your ranged weapon attacks.
Accentuate Space Variation (Aerial) (9th level). You can now use your discoveries to control the space around you. You can spend 1 phenomena to cast feather fall, and 4 phenomena to cast fly.
Control Gravity (17th level). You learn levitate which you can cast by spending 3 phenomena, and telekinesis, which you can cast spending 6 phenomena.
Black Hole (13th level). You can spend 5 phenomena to cast gravity sinkhole. You can cast it at 5th level by spending 6 phenomena.
Time Jump (17th level). You can spend 6 phenomena as a reaction to take an additional turn.
Reverse Time (13th level). You can spend 2 phenomena as a reaction to force an attacker to reroll the attack, or to allow yourself to retry an failed attack, check or save.

At 9th level, you gain an upgrade to your overthinking state. You can use your Follow The Books feature as a reaction when you are hit by an attack, and your Calculated Risks feature as a reaction when you miss an attack.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain your uses of this feature after finishing a long rest.

Predicative Measures

At 13th level, being as smart as you are, you can predict how some scenarios will play out and act according to your predictions. When you finish a long rest, you can roll a prediction die, which is a d20. Record the number rolled. Whenever you or a creature you can see within 60 feet make an attack, check or save, you can replace the number rolled by the number recorded, spending that number in the process.

Intellectual Ascend

When you reach 17th level, your Intelligence score increases by 2, up to a maximum of 22.

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