Nature's Blessing (5e Race)
Nature’s Blessing[edit]
A bandit camping in the woods finds a talking mushroom playing fetch with a magical beast before the mushroom orders the beast to chase the bandit out of the forest. An adventuring group gets a warning from a tree before entering a dangerous dungeon. A beautiful fey transforms into a flower while thieves run past her.
Physical Description[edit]
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Nature’s blessings are fauna that have been brought to life by the abundant man’s in the environment. There is no limitations for what can be a nature’s blessing}}
Nature’s blessings are fauna that have been brought to life by the abundant mana in any environment.They have been around for as long as life has been in the world. Nature's blessings are extremely rare and as soon as they come into being they need to form a contract with another being before being able to leave the area that gave birth to them.
Nature’s blessings share their life force with whoever the contract with which will influence their beliefs and natures. They can range from chaotic evil to chaotic lawful good.
Nature’s blessing Names[edit]
Natures blessing choose their own names when they become sentient. They can be influenced by anything in their environment
Nature’s blessing Traits[edit]
Fauna that has gained life
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Your Constitution score decreases by 2.
Age. Nature’s blessings love as long as their contractors.
Alignment. Are influenced by their contractors.
Size. Nature’s blessing can be any size depending on their nature form.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Change form. You can change your form from your nature form to one other form of your choosing.
Telepathy. As a life form with a connection to your contractor, you can communicate telepathically with each other no matter the distance.
Life essence bond. Your life is not solely your own, If your contractor dies you both die.
Languages. Common
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