Namekian (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
Physical Description[edit]
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Namekians are green-skinned humanoids with slug-like characteristics. They have short antennae above their brow, which is protruding and pronounced while hairless. They also have long pointy ears, pronounced canine-teeth, and talon-like nails on their fingers. They have patches with red outlines on their forearms, biceps, shoulders, abdomen, thighs, knees, and shins. They also have three red conjoined rings on their ankles and wrists, appearing as bands. Namekians have five-fingered hands (four in the original the manga). While still young, Namekian skin-coloring are light green with pink patches. Elderly Namekians have darker green skin while their patches become dull-orange.
It is clear that they were a well-known, space-faring race at some point in the not-too-distant past, as most of the Saiyans who came to Earth immediately recognized Piccolo as a Namekian. The Daizenshuu says that they used to trade with other planets, but stopped after the cataclysm. It is also known that Namekians had a vast knowledge of technology, because the Nameless Namekian was spirited away to Earth in a spaceship (with Namekian Language voice recognition) prior to the massive climate shift disaster. Also, Lord Slug is an avid space-traveler Namekian.
Namekians are philosophical warriors, being broadly divided into two classes: Warriors and Dragon Clan. Before Frieza attacked Namek, the Namekians were composed 86% Dragon Clan Namekian and 14% Warrior-Type Namekian. There are six Elders, each to a village: Elder Moori has seven Dragon Clan Namekians (himself, two elders, two unseen members, Dende and Cargo) and three Warrior-type Namekians within his village. Elder Tsuno has sixteen Dragon Clan members and three Warriors in his village. The four unnamed Elders have a total of sixty five Dragon Clan and eight Warrior-type Namekians amongst them. Grand Elder Guru has only one Namekian with him, his bodyguard, the Warrior-type Nail.
Namekian Names[edit]
Traditional Namekians are usually named after molluscs, but there are individuals named after instruments, mostly from the Demon Clan.
Examples: Piccolo, Cymbal, Tambourine, Slug, Nail, Dende.
Namekian Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and The other score is decided by your Subrace.
Age. Namekians mature quickly, reaching maturity at age four, and are capable of living to the ripe age of 500 years.
Alignment. Namekians keep hold of tradition and will fight to keep evil beings from gaining power. Warrior types and those of the Dragon Clan have a strong tendency towards lawful good.
Size. Namekians vary in size, but are usually very tall, going from 5 feet to 7 feet, you are medium, namekians get bigger the older they are, if you reach 300 years, your size becomes large, if you reach the age of 450, your size becomes huge, this changes give you some features, specified at the end of the race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Sense of alignment. Namekians are prone to sensing variations in ki. You are able to tell a creature’s alignment if you sense their ki
Slug-Like Structure. Namekian bodies resemble slugs in biological structure. You do not need to eat food but still must drink water. In addition, you gain the Giant transformation.
Regeneration.. Namekians have an incredible regenerative power, if you lose any of your limbs, you can spend an action to regrow it, although it will take a turn for it to be usable again, you can also spend a bonus action to heal 1d10+con hit points, this ability gets better the stronger the individual is, following the table bellow
lvl 5. You can regrow the limb with a bonus action and the die increases to 2d10
lvl 10. The limb comes back fully functional, dice becomes 3d10
lvl 15. Your dice becomes 4d10+double your con mod
lvl 20. You can regrow the limb as a free action and your dice becomes 5d12+four times your con mod
lvl 25. Your dice increases to 7d12+four times your con mod
lvl 30. Your limbs regrow automatically, the dice goes to 8d12+four times your con mod and you gain an additional bonus action to heal
lvl 35. You can heal as long as your head in intact, your entire body takes two turns to regenerate if you get decapitated and your dice becomes 10d12+four times con.
Every five levels after this, increase the dice by one, from lvl 50 onwards your body takes only one turn to regenerate, every lvl that finishes in 0 after 40 the multiplier on the con mod increases by one(times 4 to times 5 and so on)
Enhanced Hearing. Namekians can hear sounds from their position up to triple their movement speed. Additionally, the first time you would gain the deafened condition unless due to your ears being removed from your body, you are not deafened. You can only benefit from this once per encounter, and up to a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per short or long rest.
Namekian Knowledge. Namekians possess a wide pool of knowledge, you are proficient in the History and Religion skills.
Namekian Aging System. As a namekian gets older, it’s body changes, you grow with age, when you hit the age of 300 years, your size changes to large, you get a +2 to your strength and wisdom but a -2 to constitution and dexterity, if you reach 450 years of age, your size becomes huge, your movement becomes 0, your strength and dexterity decrease by 10, your constitution increases by 4 due to your mass and your mental stats increase by 10, with the exception of wisdom which increases by 12, your ki also increases by your level but you can only use improvement and support techniques, your ki sense range triples.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Common and Namekian. Rarely if ever is a creature not of the sparse Namekian race able to understand anything from the Namekian tongue.
Subrace. Demon Clan, Dragon Clan and Warrior Clan
Demon Clan[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1
Demonic Atributes. You are born with a mutation that gives you an extra or altered body part, choose one of the following:
Wings. You get a 40ft flying speed, if you get a flying speed from a different source, you get 5 more ft on it everytime it goes up.
Beak. You can make a piercing attack as a free action that does the damage of your unarmed strike with one less tier of damage it also grants you a +2 bonus on your passive perception as it lets you feel vibrations
Horns. the horns can be used as a piercing weapon that deals your unarmed strike dice in damage, if you don’t have an unarmed strike feature, they do 1d6+ your strength modifier, if you hit a creature of at least one size smaller than you, you can attempt to impale them in your horns, making an athletics contested roll as if grappling, if you win, the creature is grappled.
Tail. You have a long bulky tail, it grants you proficiency in the acrobatics skill since it helps your balance, it can also be used to make unarmed strikes with no damage penalty
Higher Body Mass. You have a bigger, more bulky body, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying, pushing and lifting capacity, you also gain +1 hit points per level
Sound Menace. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill, and whenever you make an Intimidation check you may add your Intelligence Modifier in addition to the normal modifier.
Dragon Clan[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1
Healing capacities. You learn the healing technique and can use it for half the ki cost to a minimum of 1, when you do it, every extra ki you spend counts as two
Sound Judgement. You have proficiency in the Insight skill, and whenever you make an Insight check you may add your Intelligence Modifier in addition to the normal modifier.
Warrior Clan[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
Stretchy Limbs. You can stretch your arms to great distances, when you make an unarmed strike, you can increase your reach up to 20ft, you can also stretch your arms to grapple or shove someone up to the same distance.
Warrior Athleticism. You have proficiency in the Athletics and Acrobatics skills
Namekian Fighting. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4+your dex or str modifier damage, if you have a class feature that grants you unarmed damage, you instead increase this damage by 1 tier
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
5′ 6″ | +2d12 | 120 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
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