Miscellania (Land of the Twin Gods Supplement)

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Aether is unattainable on any material planes, as it evaporates too quickly in the atmosphere. However, it can be bottled and transported. The bottle or vial has to be made of adamantium, diamond or some other incredibly resilient material in order to contain the immense pressure and heat from the Aether expanding within. a single vial of Aether is magically potent enough that it can be used to negate the entire component cost of any single ritual. As such, it is highly prized.


Not all magic is great, mystical or even very powerful really. But still. Blacksmiths have a duty. They may not even know it really, they just call it the Doings of Iron, it is in the simplest of terms, a pact with iron, not the hiisi of it (By the name of Gofan), or some god of it, but iron.

The pact is: Never let the spiteful fairies gain a footing on our lands.

All blacksmiths can sense the Fair Folk, even if they've never even been told about them, they instinctivly know the places where the Feywild has leaked through into the material plane.

Blacksmiths have been known to forge weapons in their sleep in times of great need.


Superstition holds throughout the human lands that cats are the wayward souls of the vilest sinners, so cruel that the afterlife would not take them. This stems directly from the threat of Raksashas, feline killers that are the reborn spirits of those who died fighting for unjust causes.

Because of this Hags will often take a cat as a familiar of sorts, making sure to warn others of their cat's hidden powers. The well educated know that these falsehoods stem from the dieing Tiefling tribe Therous Mon, who believe their druids are reincarnated as panthers.

An off-shoot of this superstition is that a small breed of dog called ratters were bred long before the Amentest Empire was even formed to deal with problems that would of otherwise been a cat's duty.


Though out all the world's taverns there are rumors of the great Dragon Brews, of the six, five are alcoholic drinks so great that they are alchemical items. Each brew has an elemental side effect which may damage the drinker. The brews were created by pairs of Dragon gods, but the greatest were created by Hlal/Chonepsis. Hlal, the copper dragon god of fun, created the Greatest of all drinks, even beyond the Gargleblaster, Hlal's Hangover which causes explosive diarrhea. It has been recorded to destroy many many outhouses, and even in one case, blow up a keep. Her opposite, Chronepsis, the somber dragon god of fate created the sixth brew: the cure for any and all hangovers, even the elemental effects of the Dragon Brews.

Grieving Witch[edit]

Legend speaks of a Hag who was once the most fearsome in the land. One day, a group of mercenaries came to put an end to her fearsome regime. The mercenaries killed with a mindless fury, many of their family members had suffered the Hag's ire. They slew countless goblins, and a few of their own number fell in the onslaught. When they reached the Hag, she had none left to defend her. She begged for mercy, and, strangely enough, they gave it to her. They left her there, snivelling and cowering in fear. Perhaps they didn't have the heart to put an end to her wretched existence, it seems, however, far more likely that they knew what fate had in store for her. You see, she was alone now, they had killed her children, her babies. It is said the sadness and the loneliness drove her insane.She is still there to this day, they say, waiting for her children to return. Sometimes, she gathers to herself children from nearby towns to attempt to fill the hole in her heart. But when they fail to return her love, which they always do, she kills them, and returns to her mindless weeping. She is known as the Grieving Witch.


The First rule of Magic is The Balance of Doubles. All magical effects are attained by manipulating the domain of one God to affect its counterpart. For example, to make yourself invisible (the domain of Ashri), you must tell someone a secret (the domain of Ashore), and to raise a person from the dead, you must murder someone else.

Magic is the study of the laws of magic and how to bypass them and more easily use true magic.

True magic is unrestricted, unruled energy used and governed by the magician as they see them fit. The rules are seen as annoyances by most mages but through words, gestures and rituals a talented mage can still use magic in the more traditional way.


Names have power. Take Jack for example, to be Jack is to be quick and keen, handsome and dangerous.

Many young adventurers call themselves Jack to give them a edge in their exploration and daring quests. To be born Jack is to have adventure swing your way from your first step 'til your last.

Most Jacks die young, but those that live long enough always become a legend. All Jacks are considered to be the same Jack in a different form, which means that the man Jack could be considered the only real immortal around, even Gods can die. Other names of power, that give vastly different lives to their person include; Peter, Duncan, Cain, Mab or Maeve, Brigit and Nike. None are considered as powerful as the name Jack.

To know a Demon's true name is to control it.

To know a Devil's is to strike fear into it's heart.

To know a Fey's is unimportant, they change their name at a whim.

Gods and Hiisi tell you their name and you better like it.

Angels have no true name, though mortals generally name them for convenance.


An old legend tells of a boy named Jack who was swindled out of his last cow for a handful of beans. The legend says, though, that when he planted them, they grew so tall that he climbed right up one and into the World Above, where he met the Gods. No-one knows what happened to him after that, but the Gods are dangerous company, and so mothers warn their children not to climb tall trees, lest they clamber right up beyond the sky and never come down again.


Orgach, The Insane Bard is not always insane. In fact, some people who know him in his youth claimed he once a very bright -and charming- person. No one knows what happened in one of his adventure that made what he is know. He still posses enough sanity to manage some daily affairs. Like how much is the price for that glass of beer or what that thiefling kid is doing with his pack. At other times he act just like how a madman act, speaking to the air, throws into tantrums without reason, speaking in gibberish (once he made a passing by warlock pale faced with his seemingly meaningless talk, though) and so forth. Some people think he just acting.

Regardless whether he is just acting or whatever his mad actions are, the common folk forgive him and he is popular among them. That is because Oragch tells great stories. From mythical ones like The Planes of the Multiverse, Creations of The world(s), epic (if somewhat humorous) stories such as Brego, The Bego Savior, The adventures of KarrSa, The Dragoon of Bahamut, to lewd stuff like Duke *Something* and His Donkey or something like that. All he telss in a very live and overexciting manner. To lively, in fact. Once he almost kill an audience while performing how Brego defeat an Ironborn Drake in Sowa Valley. Many of his tales were dismissed as nonsense or made up, but some adventurers (including the warlock above) has different idea. If itsn't made up, one can only wonder how Orgach came to know everything he tells.

The Printing Press[edit]

The invention of the Printing Press has spread rapidly across the east. While there are many of the lower classes unable to read, everyone knows someone that can; people sit around a reader daily to listen to him or her tell them the news of the world around them. Several newspapers have sprung up, such as the The Unconquerable East and The New Voice Writing, which has a more liberal, worldly set of journalists doing the writing.

Besides these, there are the "copper books", cheap tales of adventure and old parables retold. They are gaining quite a following.

Puddle Skippers[edit]

Among the Druids, there is a group called the Puddle Skippers, who have learned that every pool of water is an entrance to the Elemental Plane of Water. With a drop of blood and a muttered incantation, a Puddle Skipper can jump into a pool and enter the plane, and from there can exit through any other puddle in the world...provided they can hold their breath long enough, and avoid the creatures who dwell in the deeps.

Sometimes, a Puddle Skipper will, in his haste, forget to close up a portal. Thus it is with good reason that mothers tell their children not to jump in puddles. Sometimes, they go far deeper than you think, and sometimes there is something waiting at the bottom of it...

Queen of Dusk[edit]

In the majestic Mythshine city, adults keep children in line by frightening them with tales of the fabled Queen of Dusk, who prowls the streets at night, searching out bad boys and girls. Parents don't truly believe these stories, they are simply tales to keep children from acting out. "Don't stay out late or the Queen will get you," or "Keep away from the old town, that's where the Queen likes to lurk," are phrases commonly heard coming from the mouths of parents. However, what the parents do not know is that the Queen of Dusk truly exists. A powerful Hiisi of fables and fairy tales, many a lonely traveller has fallen to her dark magic. She likes to play with her food before eating it, conjuring illusions of classic storybook characters to torment her victims.


In Sigil, a pretentious Gnome named Burke has set up a shop in the Guildhall Warren. While he deals in a variety of goods, his specialty is in legendary Artifacts! While he carries none in stock (what artifact would allow itself to merely be sold) he knows a great deal about artifacts, and has seen many in his lifetime. Adventurers seeking to learn more about these legendary items of power would be wise to contact him.

Sigil has hundreds of Factions, Sects and Creeds.

For those that know the Planescape setting, please ignore the Lady's Edicts, Faction War and anything else that lessens the number of Factions. There are a barrel loads of 'em.

Factions are leading political groups who while certainly having their own views on the multiverse and the why of it all, they are also rich, powerful civil servants to Sigil, who control a portion of it's running and help maintain it. Many say they have lost themselves in their dealings and daily dues, with many of the members in the Faction only in it to gain power. This is often true. Sects are in short, little Factions, but they hold little political power and while they may have duties of their own in their ward, the Factions can tell them to **** off whenever they like. Most Sects are considered younger than the Factions, but notably, the Xaositects are a very recently fallen Faction.

Creeds are different in the sense that they are just a code of conduct that some choose to follow. Many Creeds are ancient, having never died or risen to Sect and Factiondom. A example of a Creed would be a knight's code. Members of factions or sects can hold to a Creed, as such there can sometimes be unlikely allies across Sigil...


Silnolithia is a jewel that only forms in places that have never before seen light. called the great secret of the underdark, these jewels grow in a spiral formation, with multicolored razor sharp spines pointing in every direction. Karat for karat they are worth eight times more than diamonds and to own one is seen as a sign that one will live in eternal bliss. Ironically, they have been the cause of countless wars between the southern Drow, who's territory includes the most prosperous Silnolithia mines, and other underground races.

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