Mana Blooded (3.5e Trait)

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Mana Blooded [General / Fighter]

You were born to be a spell caster but are physically incapable of casting spells the traditional ways like trough hand movements or spoken words. Instead you cast through pure force of will, this however takes it's toll on your physical body.
Benefit: You may cast spells from the Sorcerer/Wizard Spell list by sacrificing 1 HP per level of the spell, you may only cast spells this way whose spell level is less than half your total level (Minimum of 1).
Drawback: HP lost this way cannot be regained by any means other than rest, and if you have lost more than Level+Con Mod HP (Minimum 1) you are Fatigued and cannot cast more spells using this trait.
Special: When gaining access to any class, if that class provides any spell slots this trait is negated.

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