Living Slime (5e Race)

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Living Slime[edit]

Crossing a slime could very well be a... sticky situation!

Physical Description[edit]

You are entirely made from red, green, yellow, blue, white, black, pink, purple or orange slime, the slime can range from about 1.6ft to 6.6ft tall and 2-3ft wide. The slime has no eyes, ears or anything of that sort, a slime can come in all sorts of sizes, shapes, density's, and textures.


Living slimes were all once powerful spell casters who took a wrong step trying to become powerful and became a slime, a slime usually doesn't remember much about their past but still have some of their spell casting ability and memories.

attitudes and beliefs[edit]

Living slimes tend to stay away from each other due to their bitterness from being turned to a slime even though they remember very little and probably don't even know why they feel that way, slimes have no god or religion, they simply spend their day moping around trying to become human again which is the main reason one would go adventuring.

Slime Names[edit]

Living slime names are just the names they had before they were turned into a slime I would recommend looking at the "high elf" race names or the "human" race names (typical spell caster races)

Living Slime Traits[edit]

A race of conscious, gelatinous people.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity or Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Living slimes usually have not become slimes before they have hit maturity, the maximum life span is infinite which is the reason their memory is so foggy.
Alignment. A living slime is usually quite bitter about being a slime which makes them lean toward chaotic alignments while some may except the fate which they were given making them lean toward neutral and lawful alinements.
Size. You are a slime and can reach from 1.6ft to 6.6ft tall, your size is either medium or small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Poor senses. due to your lack of eyes your eyesight is limited to 60ft and you can not see past that, you also have disadvantage on wisdom(perception) checks that really in sight, smell, or hearing.
Inner Space. the inside of your slime body holds a sort of extraterrestrial space of existence similar to the bag of holding, you can put objects into that space and take them out at will: As a bonus action on your turn you can take an item from your stomach and pull it out, you can also put an item into your stomach as a bonus action(a backpack or full treasure chest would count), you can't put in more items then you can carry into this space and if you die all the items are sent out of your stomach, items in your inner space still add to your carrying capacity.
Gelatin. due to your liquid form you can fit into any space that is at least 1 inch wide if you hold no items and wear no armor(items in your inner space due not count).
Self Protection. due to your liquid form you can't wear armor but attacks still have trouble hitting you even when you wear no armor: if you are not wearing armor your AC equal 12+ your constitution, in addition do to your liquid form, you can use your dexterity modifier for attempts to grapple a creature and attempts to grapple you have disadvantage and attempts for you to grapple have advantage.
Past Casting. due to your past as a spell caster you have some ability to cast spells but your memory still remands foggy: you can cast acid splash, acid spray, and once you reach 5th level you can cast melf's acid arrow, you can only cast acid spray or melf's acid arrow once and regain all uses at the end of a long rest your spell casting modifier to these spells is the second stat that you chose(wis, int, or cha.), these spells acid is the same color as your slime.
poorly made. your body is not very well made, due to your being an "unnatural being" you suffer the following effects while under specific conditions:

  • you have a swimming speed of 0ft and and you get disadvantage on all ability checks and attack rolls made while you are submerged in water.
  • if your body temperature goes bellow 34 degrees or above 106 degrees your speed drops by 10ft and you have disadvantage on all ability checks and attack rolls.
  • if your body reaches boiling or freezing temperature you boil or freeze, your speed becomes 0 and you take 2d6 damage at the start of your turn for every turn that you stay at such temperatures(these effects go away once your body reaches an adequate temperature).
    Slime Speech. Since you can not speak you have found strange ways to cope with that, by spending 10 minutes you can create a small ball of slime, anybody that comes in contact with this slime can hear your speech directly in their head, for this to work the target which you wish to speak with must be within 10ft of you. you can make a number of these slime balls equal to your level +1 with a maximum of 10. in addition if you hold a slime ball for more then 1 minute it will merge with your body.
    Languages. You can read, and write Common and three different languages of your choice, but cannot speak any of them, as you lack a mouth.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

—′ —'' +— — lb. × (—) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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