Harmacist (5e Subclass)

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Fighter Subclass

Harmacists are fighters trained in medicine and anatomy, who learned how to use their medical skills to both heal allies and harm foes on the battlefield. They are able to quickly mend wounds and restore the health of their allies, while delivering devastating strikes that break bones or sever tendons to their foes.

Bonus Proficiency

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Medicine skill and with your choice between the Herbalist and the Poisoner's kit. If you are already proficient with Medicine, you can replace this proficiency with any other Wisdom based skill.

Field Splint

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level you gain the ability to quickly mend injuries in the heat of battle. You can forgo one attack to attempt to reset a dislocated joint, pop a bone back into place, dislodge an arrow, or some other gruesome mending of their injuries from a creature. The target must be within 5 feet, and can expend a hit die to regain hit points equal to the amount rolled. An unconscious creature can still benefit from this feature. Alternatively, the target can choose to instead of rolling the hit die to regain hit points, to end the poisoned condition affecting it.

In addition, you can spend a use of your Second Wind to use this feature as a Bonus Action. When you do so, the creature regain additional hit points equal to 1d10 plus your Fighter level.

Grievous Wound

At 7th level when you score a critical hit against a creature you can attempt to inflict a grievous wound upon it. The creature must succeed on a DC 8 + Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw or suffer a Grievous Wound. On a failure the creature takes 1d6 damage at the end of each of its turns. This damage cannot be mitigated in any way.

A creature affected by this wound cannot suffer another for 24 hours, and can use an action to attempt to end the wound on a successful Medicine check against the save DC of this feature.

Organ Transplant

At 10th level, when a creature is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use an Action to harvest organs from a creature that have died within 10 minutes. The collected organ must be used within 1 minute, or it is wasted. Doing so allow you to revive a creature of the same type as if you had cast revivify.

Once you perform a Organ Transplant, you can't do it again until you complete a short or a long rest.

Booster Shot

At 15th level, you gain the ability to craft concoctions that infuse the drinker with vigor. During a long rest you may spend 5 gp in resources to craft a special concoction. The potion takes an Action to consume and heals 2d4 + 2 hit points and either restores a 1st-level spell slot or allows the drinker to make an melee weapon attack as a bonus action.

You can craft a number of booster shots equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain the ability to do so after completing a long rest.

Medically Induced Coma

At 18th level, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you force the target to make a DC 8 + Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw, or is stunned until the end of your next turn.

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