Half-Demogorgon (5e Race)

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The Demogorgons are mysterious creatures that reside in a pocket dimension known as The Upside Down. In an extremely twisted scenario, a cult of Druids would grow intimate with the creatures. Feeling it was their responsibility to help the species evolve and progress into human society. In rare cases other races have reproduced with the creatures but they are few and far in between.

Physical Description[edit]

The Demogorgon is a tall and thin humanoid creature with elongated limbs. Its head appeared to lack facial features until it unfurled the flesh like a flower to reveal "petals" lined with many sharp teeth, and a large open mouth. The Demogorgon's arms and digitigrade legs end in claws. The combination of human blood in its body causes the Demogorgon to shrink in size with less elongated limbs, though the claw like fingers usually stay elongated and skeletal like. Most Half-Breeds share a few similar traits. Skin is much paler in color and their mouths can split open to devour food more efficiently. How the half breeds look visually vary depending on genetics, but some can more easily blend into society than others.

Demogorgon Names Names[edit]



Half Demogorgon Traits[edit]

Regardless of appearance, they always share some similar traits to their more monstrous birth parent.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Half-Demogorgon's reach adulthood around 18 to 21 years old and can live up to around 95 years.
Alignment. Demogorgons are Unaligned, and with Human mixed into the species, the Alignment has no clear path.
Size. Your size is Medium. Half-Demogorgons are between 8 to 10 feet tall and weigh 240 to 300 pounds
Speed. Your base walking speed is <35> feet.
Darkvision Blindsight. You’re naturally blind but through smell of your surroundings you can "see" things around you for 60ft. Immune to being Blinded
Thick Skin. +2 AC
Mute. You cannot talk, you can only produce gurgles and growls since your mouth is not made to talk. You understand, read and write but you cannot speak any language apart from sign language. You learn sign languages as if it was any other language. For each language there is a sign language version e.g. Common = Common Sign Language (CSL), Deep Speech = Deep Speech Sign Language (DSSL) ect
Carnivore. You can eat the meat of creatures to regain hit points. The size of the creature determines the die rolled.
Small - 1d4
Medium - 1d6
Large - 1d8
Huge - 1d10
Gargantuan - 1d12
Intangibility. At 5th level you can use your Demogorgon heritage to phase through a wall of 2ft but when you do it creates this weird goo that covers you and both sides of the wall you went through and any space already occupied by a object, you and the object take 2d4 bludgeoning damage plus strength modifier and fall on top of the object. If the wall is thicker than 2ft you take 1d4 bludgeoning damage and don’t move. At 8th level you can go through a wall that is 4ft and at 15th level you can go through a wall of 8ft and go through floors (only if there is unoccupied space underneath the floor, if there is an object in the space, you take 1d4 damage and don’t move) of 8ft or less and you can do a DC 16 strength check, on a successful check you can jump through the roof and on to the roof or next floor (on a failed check you just stay where you are) providing that the roof/room above floor is 8ft or less thick.

Claws. Using your elongated, skeletal, and sharp finger like claws you can choose to use them as an unarmed strike. The damage follows from below: Reach 5 ft, One target.
Hit: 1st level,3 (1d4 +2) Slashing damage
Hit: 3rd level, 5 (1d4 +3) Slashing damage.
Hit: 7th level, 7 (3d4) Slashing damage.
Hit: 11th level+, 12 (3d4 +2) Slashing damage.
Flowers can hurt. Using your flower like mouth you can choose to bite as an unarmed strike Reach 10 ft, One target.
Hit: 1st level, 2 (1d4) Piercing damage
Hit: 3rd level, 5 (1d4 +2) Piercing damage.
Hit: 7th level, 8 (2d4 + 2) Piercing damage.
Hit: 11th level, 10 (3d4 +2) Piercing damage.
Hit: 18th level+, 17 (2d10 +6) Piercing damage.
Keen Smell. The Half-Demogorgon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Blood Tracker. The Half-Demogorgon can track any creature that is currently bleeding within a 1000ft radius but needs to have the concentration, like when casting a spell. For every 100ft, 1 minute of concentration is needed. The Half-Demogorgon can only do this 2 times per day but you gain 2 levels of exhaustion per use.
Languages. You can write, read, and sign Common and Deep Speech.

—-DinoKaos37 (talk) 02:30, 30 June 2023 (MDT)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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