Frost Demon (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
Frost Demon[edit]
Physical Description[edit]
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Most members of Frieza's race have red pupils and bodies covered in white, keratinous exoskeletons. They also have reptilian features such as a long tail, three talon-like toes, spikes, and horns. They are adorned with colored gem plates on the head, torso, ankles, wrists, and shoulders. They also had dark-colored blood, although the exact shade varied between purple (in the anime) and dark blue (full color manga).
The home world of this species is unknown. They are shown to own many planets and mostly reside in spaceships, traveling between the worlds their organizations are currently operating on. Frieza is said to own at least 448 planets, and his brother at least 256 planets.
The Top of the food chain in the universe, often going their whole lives subjugating others with the overwhelming power they have had from birth, the Frost Demons are a powerful and rare race filled with absolute monsters, who often have little regard for the lives of lesser life forms.
Frost Demon Names[edit]
The Frost Demon race is made up of various names, often following a pattern of being associated with "frost" or "cold".
Examples: Frieza, Cold, Chilled, Cooler.
Frost Demon Traits[edit]
Frost Demons are aliens built for space combat that are nigh immortal if they aren't destroyed completely.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and another ability score is decided by their subrace.
Age. A frost demon reaches maturity by 16 and can live to be up to 400, only showing signs of aging in their late 300's.
Alignment. Frost demons have no set alignment as a whole, but the majority tend to be evil, caring only for their own agenda and pride, and most have a distaste for chaos, leaning towards lawful or neutral alignments.
Size. Frost demons vary widely in height and build, with individuals as small as 4 feet and some as tall as 10 feet with few individuals being even taller, you are either small, medium or large
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Dexterous Tail. You have a long tail, longer than either of your arms and long enough to grab something from behind you and hold it above and in front of you. Small objects may be carried and manipulated as though the tail had half your Strength score with fine manipulations, such as lockpicking or untying knots, possibly at disadvantage to the roll in question. Having a prehensile tail gives proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. Your tail can also be used to make unarmed attacks with no penalty to the attack roll or damage roll, but it may not carry weapons.
Built for Space. Frost demons don't require oxygen and are adapted to high altitude, extreme heat, and extreme cold as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. Thus, they can survive in the vacuum of space without any duress.
Incredible Durability. Frost demons are far more durable than any other flesh and blood race, even being able to survive bifurcation and vivisection. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest, additionally, you are not killed outright by anything that doesn’t pulverize, vaporize or erase you.
Optional Feature: Horns. Some members of the frost demon race possess a pair of horns on their head, if you choose to have this feature, the horns can be used as a piercing weapon that deals your unarmed strike dice in damage, if you don’t have an unarmed strike feature, they do 1d6+ your strength modifier, if you hit a creature of at least one size smaller than you, you can attempt to impale them in your horns, making an athletics contested roll as if grappling, if you win, the creature is grappled.
Languages. You can speak, read and write, Common and Glaerian. The frost demon native language, Glaerian, uses many harsh syllables and phonetics. It uses the Sylvan script.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 1
Spikes. Your body is covered with spikes in several places, if an attack misses you, the attacker receives 1d6 piercing damage, 2d6 on a crit miss. You also possess two retractable spikes on top of your hands, when you make an unarmed attack, you can choose to make it deal piercing damage, this spikes can be coated in poison to make your unarmed strikes have the effects of the poison.
Aerodynamic. The spikes on your body make it so you are able to build up more speed, you walking speed increases by 10ft and if you gain a flying speed it increases by 20ft
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 1
Poisonous blood. If any creature comes in contact with your blood, they must attempt a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
Terrifying Stare. As a bonus action, you can force a number of creatures up to your charisma modifier that are in front of you and can see you to make a DC 14 wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute, being able to redo the saving throw at the end of their turns, a creature that passes this test is immune to this ability for 24 hours, if a creature has a CR or level smaller than yours by 5 or more, they automatically fail the test, and if they have a CR or level higher than yours by 8 or more, they are immune.
Telekinetic power. You can use the telekinesis spell freely, and can learn any telekinesis based technique in half the time and use them for half the price to a minimum of 1, you can also choose one telekinesis based technique that you meet the requirements of to know from the start, if there is none, you immediately gain one as soon as you meet the requirements.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 6'' | +3d12 | 60 lb. | × (1d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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