Discrimination Domain (5e Subclass)

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Discrimination Domain[edit]

Cleric Subclass

Discrimination does not necessarily mean racism. It has to do with organization and making judgments. Often clerics of this domain work as accountants of other temples. They use the power of their domains to sort and organize the money system of their temples. Not as often though such clerics will go and join adventuring parties using their domains abilities to appraise their enemies abilities and organize them in their minds.


At 1st level due to your attentiveness you can add your wisdom modifier to your AC when wearing light armor and not holding a shield. In addition if you don't already you gain proficiency in the investigation and perception skills.

Channel Divinity

At 2nd level you gain the ability to organize creature or their abilities. As an action touch your holy symbol and choose one of three effects: 1. You choose up to 5 creatures within 30 ft. Each of those creatures must make a wisdom saving throw. On a success they know that you tried to observe them and the effect fails. On a failure they are unaware of your observation and you can tell the order of their power aka their CR. If they have levels instead of a challenge rating the DM decides where they fit in in the order of power. You don't know their level and or challenge rating just who's more powerful than who. For example if you used this ability on a tarrasque, a mage and, an adult dragon, you would see that the tarrasque is more powerful than the dragon, that the dragon is more powerful than the mage, but not their CR.

2. You choose one creature within 30 ft. The creature must make a wisdom saving throw. On a success they know that you tried to observe them and the effect fails. On a failure they are unaware of your observation and you can tell the order of their ability scores. For example if their strength is 14, their dexterity is 16 and their intelligence is 12 than it would go dex, strength, and than intelligence. You have all their ability scores organized in this way but do not know the exact scores.

3. You can know the rarity of an item by succeeding on a wisdom perception check =23. The DM can choose to change the number required to beat.

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