Disciple of Balance (5e Subclass)

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Disciple of Balance[edit]

Cleric Subclass

Balance is not the art of doing nothing, it is the art of doing exactly the right number of actions so that you have added to this world only what you have taken away.
—Tomias Langolfod, Elven Disciple of Balance

A disciple of Balance is a worshiper of Garia and views balance as the highest ideal to strive for. He maintains balance by careful selection of spells and is rewarded for his dedication. Disciples of Balance excel at causing harm to enemies and curing allies. However, their restrictions on casting and their limited list of spells makes them a less versatile caster. Any character who chooses to be a disciple of Balance must have a true neutral alignment and must also be a worshiper of Garia.

Elves are most likely to become Disciples of Balance as their long lives gives them an appreciation for the value of balance. Humans, and Gnomes join as well but they are less likely. Dwarven and half-orc Disciples of Balance are few and far between.

Disciples of Balance carry a scale that they use to determine what action to take next. Their scale changes color based on their current balance. If the scale is bright they are good balanced and you can expect an evil action from them next. If it is dark they are evil balanced. Likewise, a gold scale means they are lawful balanced and a silver means they are chaotic balanced.

This is an adaptation from a 3.5e homebrew. For the 3.5e version, look at [1]

Balance Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
3rd detect evil and good, protection from evil and good
5th blindness/deafness, aid
9th spirit guardians, aura of vitality
13th charm monster, aura of life
17th dispel evil and good, planar binding
Power of Balance

A Disciple of balance realizes that with balance comes power. Starting at 1st level, whenever you cast a cleric spell targeting aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead, the spell is considered to be cast using a spell slot one level higher.

See Balance

At 1st level, a Disciple of Balance has become so attuned to the balance of things around him that as a supernatural effect he can see if characters or creatures around him are true neutral aligned or not. He cannot however determine anything else about their alignment from this ability. This is a passive ability that is always active.

Enforcer of Balance

At 2nd level, you can call on the divine power to enforce the balance. As an action, you can spend an use of your Channel Divinity to force all creatures that are not neutral within 30 feet to make a Constitution save against your spell save DC, or take force damage equal to 1d8 x your Cleric level. All true neutral creatures in the area are instead healed for the same amount.

Power of Balance

At 6th level, whenever you cast a spell from your Balance Domain spell list against a creature with the following alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, Lawful Good or Lawful Evil, the spell is considered as one level higher.

Balanced Weapon

At 8th level, a Disciple of Balance's weapon becomes attuned to his scales. You cause additional 1d6 force damage to any non-neutral creature you hit with a weapon attack. The damage increases to 2d6 on attacks against creatures with Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good or Chaotic Evil.

At 14th level, you cause additional 1d6 force damage against creatures from the following types: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.

Tipping the Scales

At 17th level a Disciple of Balance's long dedication to the balance has revealed to him the lure of imbalance and the power that comes with it. As a result for every step that he is towards a certain alignment on the scales he gains caster level +1 when casting spells of that alignment. This ability stacks with power of balance when he is one step in a specific direction.

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