Cerealian (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
A Peaceful race, with a special adaptation for long ranged and precise ki output.
Physical Description[edit]
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Cerealians Have mint green hair and pale skin, with a similar build to human-type earthlings. They normally have mint green eyes as well, but can mutate one of their eyes to be red easily, and the other eye may turn red due to extensive training.
The Cerealians were once the inhabitants of Cereal and coexisted with a tribe of Namekians who settled on the planet after travelling from another realm. Around Age 733, the Cerealian homeworld was ravaged by the Frieza Force and its Saiyan Army. Using the full moon, the Saiyans transformed into Great Apes and annihilated nearly all of the population and their cities. Fortunately, a powerful Cerealian warrior named Flayk was able to destroy the planet's moon causing the Saiyans to revert to their base forms. Unfortunately, the invaders were still too powerful for the Cerealian and Namekian inhabitants to handle. The only survivor of the Cerealian race was a boy named Granolah.
Cerealians live very peaceful lives, despite their power levels being above average. They live with a tribe of namekians, and have a very compatible culture with them, often living rural lives.
Cerealian Names[edit]
Cerealian names follow a pun of being named after cereal.
Male: Bran, Crumb, Granolah, Flayk
Female: Brekkie, Cates, Cocoa, Honey, Muesli, Oats, Pablum, Raisin, Wheatie
. Cerealian Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom or Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Cerealians mature quickly from late teens and live an average of 200 years, staying in prime fighting condition until the last few years of their lives.
Alignment. Cerealians tend to share common positive personality traits, even at young ages. Being peaceful people, they share an innate enjoyment for conversation and other peaceful means of communication, except in the case of dealing with the Frieza Force or Saiyans. Most Cerealians will always be some type of Good, with very few outliers leaning toward Neutral and even fewer Evil.
Size. Cerealians are medium sized, about the same as Human-Type Earthlings on average.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Red Eye. You naturally have an aptitude toward detecting Ki Signatures and other presences around you thanks to an eye that has evolved to grant incredible perceptive and sniping abilities. Starting at 1st level, the range on your ki sense doubles and you can see up to a mile away, you are able to see your opponent’s blood flow and muscle movements, your first attack every turn has advantage and your enemies first attack against you every turn has disadvantage, you are also able to determine how much power your opponent is using and if they are holding back. You also gain proficiency in the Perception skill. When you reach a level determined by your DM to be enough, your left eye also becomes red, your ki sense range doubles again, you can see up to 5 miles away, as a free reaction once every two turns you can make any attack targeted at you have disadvantage and as part of your attack action or technique usage, you can give yourself advantage every two turns, you add an additional dice on your critical hits and the range of any ranged ki technique is doubled.
Ki Sniper. You can increase the range of any ranged ki technique by a number of feet equal to 10x your dexterity modifier.
Pressure Point Combat. Thanks to the Red Eye and constant training, you have perfected a form of combat that targets the weak spots of your opponents with a particular aim. The critical threshold of your attacks permanently increases by +1 (20 > 19-20 > 18-20, etc.).
Starting at 6th level, and again at 18th and then every 12 levels, increase the critical threshold of your attacks permanently by an additional +1
Improving Body. Due to the way the Cerealians have evolved and their bodily functions, they can adapt to their opponent with time thanks to their Red Eye to gain an advantage against their enemies.
Every 12 seconds (2 rounds), increase your Armor Class by +1. Additionally, increase your attack modifier by +1 and damage die by 1 tier (1 > d4 > d6 > d8 > d10 > d12) to a maximum of a d12. If an attack would go above the d12 tier or is already above the d12 tier, roll an additional damage dice instead.
You can only benefit from this racial trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per encounter, and the effects of this racial trait automatically end at the end of an encounter, being reset if you enter a new encounter after this trait has ended.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 0'' | +1d20" | 100 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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