Common Caster (5e Class)
Caster Commoner[edit]
Not all commoners are field workers and peasants. Caster commoners can also use magic unlike most other commoners. Some by virtue of the danger in their lives, curiosity or vocation, gain knowledge and domain over the magical arts. They are not powerful wizards, hurling fireballs at undead hordes, nor are they powerful clerics banishing demons back to the abyss, but simple healers, religious leaders in small communities or teachers, passing ahead the basics of magic to children. Some of them even practice the arcane arts alongside regular offices, still being mainly farmers, merchants or sailors in most of their awaken hours, but practicing magic in their spare time, or in service of those regular professions. They can be tough and callous by virtue of experience, or very protective and gentle. Yet they are ready and able to resort to force and violence if necessary.
This class is for NPCs and is designed to be less powerful than other characters of the same level. It is a class designed to make some commoners less vulnerable and fragile.
Creating a Caster Commoner[edit]
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Are you a farmer, and have to deal with raiders once in a while? Are you a sailor and need to fight sea monsters or pirates at times? Did you grow up in or live in a very rough neighborhood? Any number of things can push you toward needing to learn how to fight.
- Quick Build
You can make a caster commoner quickly by following these suggestions. First, choose the the character's subclass carefully. For this class, the subclass is the most important part, so choose as your first ability score the Spellcasting ability score used by your subclass. Constitution must be your second score.
Second, choose the Sage background if you choose the Researcher or the Heroic Scholar; Acolyte if you choose the Faithful; Entertainer if you choose the Performer; Outlander if you choose the Guide; and Guild Artisan if you choose the Magic Artisan.
Class Features
As a Caster Commoner you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Caster Commoner level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Caster Commoner level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Choose one Artisan's Tools
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose any three
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) dagger or (b) handaxe or (c) mace or (d) sickle
- (a) Adventurer’s Pack or (b) Dungeoneer’s Pack
- Leather Armor
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Tricks of the Trade | Features | Cantrips Known | Spells Known | —Spell Slots per Spell Level— | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | ||||||
1st | +2 | 2 | Common Caster Subclass, Spellcasting, Tricks of the Trade | 2 | 2 | — | — | — | — |
2nd | +2 | 2 | Utility Casting | 2 | 3 | — | — | — | — |
3rd | +2 | 4 | Common Practice, Subclass Features | 2 | 4 | 2 | — | — | — |
4th | +2 | 4 | Ability Score Improvement | 2 | 5 | 3 | — | — | — |
5th | +3 | 5 | Potent Cantrips | 2 | 6 | 3 | — | — | — |
6th | +3 | 5 | Uncanny Dodge | 2 | 7 | 3 | — | — | — |
7th | +3 | 5 | Subclass Features | 2 | 8 | 4 | 2 | — | — |
8th | +3 | 5 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 9 | 4 | 2 | — | — |
9th | +4 | 6 | Subclass Features | 3 | 10 | 4 | 2 | — | — |
10th | +4 | 6 | Superior Practice | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | — | — |
11th | +4 | 7 | Improved Recovery | 3 | 12 | 4 | 3 | — | — |
12th | +4 | 7 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 12 | 4 | 3 | — | — |
13th | +5 | 8 | — | 3 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — |
14th | +5 | 8 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — |
15th | +5 | 8 | Share Spells | 4 | 14 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — |
16th | +5 | 8 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 14 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — |
17th | +6 | 9 | Subclass Features | 4 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — |
18th | +6 | 9 | Spell Mastery | 5 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — |
19th | +6 | 9 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
20th | +6 | 9 | Though Caster | 5 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
You dabble in the unknown, and have been rewarded with magical abilities, that albeit basic, can help you in multiple tasks.
- Cantrips
At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the subclass spell list. You learn additional subclass cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Common Caster table.
- Spell Slots
Starting at 3rd level, the Common Caster table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these common caster spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.
- Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the subclass spell list.
The Spells Known column of the Common Caster table shows when you learn more common caster spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the common caster spells you know and replace it with another spell from the subclass spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
- Spellcasting Ability
Your spellcasting ability is determined by your chosen subclass.
- Ritual Casting
You can cast a common caster spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.
- Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus determined by your chosen subclass.
Subclass Features[edit]
At 1st level, and again at 3rd, 7th, 9th level, and 17th level, you gain features or improvements specific to your subclass.
Tricks of the Trade[edit]
At 1st level, you have some practical knowledge and experience , that allow you to apply your otherwise basic abilities - magical or otherwise - in unexpected ways. You know two tricks of your choice. Your trick options are detailed at the end of the class description.
When you gain certain common caster levels, you gain additional tricks of your choice, as shown in the Trick column of the common caster table.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the trick you know and replace it with another trick that you could learn at that level.
Utility Casting[edit]
More often than not, common casters rely on spells to boost regular mundane activities. At 2nd level, whenever you use your Action to make a check in which you add your proficiency bonus, you can cast a Common Caster cantrip or spell using your bonus action.
Common Practice[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, your experiences in everyday tasks have granted you the ability to perform them with great ability. You gain a resource called practice dice.
You have four practice dice, which are d8s. A practice die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended Practice dice when you finish a long or short rest. You gain an additional practice die at 9th and 17th levels.
Whenever you cast a cantrip or spell you know from your Common Caster class, you can spend a practice die and add it to the save DC or the result of the attack. You must declare the use of the die before casting the spell. Add half the number rolled on the Practice die (rounding up) to your attack or save DC.
In addition, each subclass give you additional uses for your practice dice.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Potent Cantrips[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you add 1d8 to the damage caused with your Common Caster cantrips.
Uncanny Dodge[edit]
Starting at 6th level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.
Superior Practice[edit]
At 10th level you roll a d10, rather than a d8, for your practice die.
Improved Recovery[edit]
At 11th level, you learn how to make the most out of your rest periods. Whenever you finish a short rest, you regain one spell slot of your maximum level.
Seasoned Practitioner[edit]
Starting at 15th level, when you roll initiative and have no practice dice remaining, you regain 1 Practice die.
Spell Mastery[edit]
At 18th level, you may lack power, but you sure know how to use whichever power you have to its fullest. Choose a 1st-level and a 2nd-level Common Caster spell that you know. You can cast those spells at their lowest level without expending a spell slot. If you want to cast either spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot as normal.
If the chosen spell restore hit points to a creature, once a creature benefit from the spell, it must complete a short or a long rest before gaining its benefits again.
By spending 8 hours in study, you can exchange one or both of the spells you chose for different spells of the same levels.
Though Caster[edit]
Against all odds you made it, and reached the peak of power as a common casters. As a reward for your efforts, your Spellcasting ability score and your Constitution score increase by 2, to a maximum of 22.
In addition, when you finish a long rest, choose a spell from your chosen list of 5th-level or lower. You can cast this spell once, without spending spell slots or material components. Once you do so, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.
At 1st level you choose a subclass of caster commoner below.
As a faithful, you have been involved in your religion since you can remember. Sometimes you have had to fight for your faith. You are not a cleric, but you are deeply involved in your religion. Faithful common casters are religious villagers, community healers and priests in small settlements, that are able to draw the power of the gods to a lesser extent. Although they lack the power of the most militant members of the clergy, they make up for it in dedication to spread the word of their respective divinities.
- Faithful Spellcasting
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you gain access to the Cleric spell list and a spell list from one of the Cleric's Domains. You can learn spells and cantrips from those lists.
In addition, since you draw power from the gods and from your faith, Wisdom is your spellcasting ability. Finally, you can use a holy symbol as your spellcasting focus.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Perception or Religion. You can gain proficiency with a tool of your choice in place of one skill choice.
- Religious Practice
You have read the sacred scriptures of your faith with zeal and care, and have a profound knowledge of your chosen dogma. At 3rd level when you choose this subclass, you gain the following practice actions:
- Religious Knowledge. When you make a check that allows you to apply your proficiency in Religion, you can expend one practice die to bolster the check. Add the number rolled on the Practice die to your check. You apply this bonus after making the check but before learning if it was successful.
- Healer's Practice. When you cast a common caster spell that restore hit points, you can spend your practice die and add twice the number rolled to the amount of hit points restored.
- Superior Willpower. When you make an Intelligence, a Wisdom, or a Charisma saving throw, you can expend one practice die to add it to the roll. You can use this feature only before you learn if the save succeeded or failed.
- Holy Rites
At 3rd level, you know how to perform simple religious rites. You add Ceremony to your list of spells known, not counting against your maximum number of known spells. You also can cast Sanctuary without spending a spell slot, but you cannot cast it again with this feature until you finish a long rest.
In addition, you gain the ability to speak one of the following languages of your choice: Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal.
- Divine Healer
At 7th level, whenever you expend practice dice to add to the amount of hit points healed by one of your spells, you can expend up to two dice instead of just one, adding both to the roll. Both dice are expended as normal.
If the target is at 0 hit points, you restore the maximum amount of hit points with both dice, instead of rolling them.
- Divine Blessing
At 9th level, you can channel the divine power of your god. You gain access to the 6th level feature from the cleric's domain chosen for your spell list. If the feature is a channel divinity option, you can use it once between rests.
- Superior Blessing
When you reach the 17th level, you reach the same potential for grace than more militant members of the clergy. You gain access to the 17th level feature from the cleric's domain chosen for your spell list.
Researchers are arcane practitioners that replace the cold dangers of a dungeon for the dusty and enclosed environment of a library. Researcher common casters are often writers of technical books on the arcane arts, theoretical arcane thinkers and teachers, devoting their times to teach future adventurers, instead of going to adventures themselves.
- Researcher Spellcasting
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you gain access to the Wizard spell list. You can learn spells from that lists. In addition, you learn cantrips from the wizard's spell list.
In addition, since you draw power from your heroism and conviction, Intelligence is your spellcasting ability. Finally, you can use a arcane focus as your spellcasting focus.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion.
You can gain proficiency with a tool or language of your choice in place of one skill choice.
- Intellectual Practice
You are a dedicated student, and can spend hours without end reading about a particular topic. At 3rd level when you choose this subclass, you gain the following practice actions:
- Academic Knowledge. When you make a check that allows you to apply your proficiency in any Intelligence skill, you can expend one practice die to bolster the check. Add half the number rolled (rounded up) on the Practice die to your check. You apply this bonus after making the check but before learning if it was successful.
- Recall Information. You can spend one practice die to remember information about a specific topic. You gain proficiency in one skill, tool or language of your choice until you complete your next rest. Alternatively, you can use this practice to remember anything you have read about within the last year.
- Memetic Memory. Whenever you see a creature within 60 feet making a check with a skill or tool, or casting a spell from a level you have spell slots, you can spend a practice die to memorize the skill, tool or spell. You gain proficiency with the memorized skill or tool, and can use your spell slots to cast the memorized spell until the end of your next rest.
- Arcane Lessons
At 3rd level, you can share your knowledge of the arcane with a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, whenever you finish a long rest. You can then choose one of the following effects:
The chosen creature add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus to any Intelligence (Arcana) check and any Intelligence check made related to magic (such as checks made by spells like counterspell and dispel magic. You teach one of your cantrips to that creature. You teach one spell that has the Ritual descriptor and the casting time of an action. That creature can cast that spell only as a ritual. The maximum level of the taught ritual equals the creature's Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1), and you must spend a spell slot in order to teach the ritual. The effects of your lessons are kept for 7 days. When you use this feature, you can't use it again for the next 7 days.
- Book Smarts
Also at 7th level, if you have reference materials or other similar resources, you can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to any Intelligence check you make that you aren't proficient with.
- Arcane Fuel
At 7th level, you can use your Practice with the arcane to fuel your magical potential. You can spend any amount of Practice Dice you have, to regain one spell slot. The level of the spell slot regained depending on the amount of dice spent: 1st-level (2 dice), 2nd-level (3 dice), 3rd-level (5 dice) or 4th-level (6 dice).
- Tutored Knowledge
Starting at 9th level, you can pass ahead some of your magical knowledge by sitting with a creature and teaching her. When you finish a long rest, you can transfer spell slots to a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your common caster level (rounded up). These spell slots can be distributed to the chosen creatures in any manner you like.
A creature can memorize a number of spells from your prepared list equal to its Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1), and can cast it using the spells transferred to it. When a creature cast the spell, it uses its own Intelligence modifier and proficiency bonus to cast the spell. A creature can't learn a spell whose level is higher than its Intelligence modifier.
The spell slots transferred and spells memorized are lost after 8 hours.
- Arcane Magister
At 17th level, you can choose up to five creatures of your choice whenever you finish a long rest. Choose a single spell from each level, up to 4th-level. Each creature is able to cast that spell once, without requiring a spell slot. The spell still can't be of a higher level than the creature's Intelligence modifier, but the creature uses your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Modifier when using this spell.
You know a great deal about local landmarks and customs. You guide travelers through challenging environments and try to keep them safe. Sometimes you have to fight or run. Guides are common casters that live on and off wild places. They know the secrets of the woods, or how to wander trough dangerous mountains or cross tempestuous seas. Their magic comes from their great respect and understanding for the powers of nature.
- Guide Spellcasting
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you gain access to the Druid spell list. You can learn spells and cantrips from that lists.
In addition, since you draw power from your knowledge and experience with nature, Wisdom is your spellcasting ability. Finally, you can use a druidic focus as your spellcasting focus.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth or Survival.
You can gain proficiency with the herbalist kit or the poisoner's kit in place of one skill choice.
- Naturalist Practice
You are a seasoned naturalist, and can always find your way while in natural areas. At 3rd level when you choose this subclass, you gain the following practice actions:
- Wild Guidance. You can roll a practice die and add to your ability checks whenever you make a Athletics, Nature, Perception Survival or Stealth check while in an natural area (arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, or swamp). In addition, you can spend one additional die and add to the roll of one creature of your choice within 30 feet per die spent.
- Herbal Knowledge. When you finish a short rest in an natural area, you can spend any amount of practice dice to create herbal poultices, one per dice spent. As an action, a creature can apply that poultice to a wound, causing the target to regain hit points equal to the number rolled on the die + your Wisdom modifier. Alternatively, you can neutralize one poison using the poultice instead. The poultice lose its effectiveness when you finish your next rest.
- Animal Empathy. You can spend one practice die when you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check towards a beast. Add the number rolled to the roll. If you win a contested check against the beast Wisdom (Insight) check, the beast is charmed by you as long as it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute thereafter. If you or your companions are fighting the beast, your check automatically fails.
- Natural Explorer
At 3rd level, you are particularly familiar with one type of natural environment and are adept at traveling and surviving in such regions. Choose one type of favored terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, or swamp. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your favored terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you're proficient in.
While traveling for an hour or more in your favored terrain, you gain the following benefits:
- Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel.
- Your group can't become lost except by magical means.
- Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
- If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
- When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would.
- While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.
You choose additional favored terrain types at 7th, 9th, and 17th level.
- Natural Senses
At 9th level, you can attune with nature to gain awareness of your surroundings. You can cast commune with nature as a ritual.
- Feral Senses
At 17th level, you gain preternatural senses that help you fight creatures you can't see. When you attack a creature you can't see, your inability to see it doesn't impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it.
You are also aware of the location of any invisible creature within 30 feet of you, provided that the creature isn't hidden from you and you aren't blinded or deafened.
Heroic Scholar[edit]
The study of the world has taken you to many remote and dangerous places. You have been in quite a number of close scrapes. Heroic Scholars are natural explorers and trailblazers, cartographers and mariners, who deal with the daily challenges of travelling through the unknown with the help of magic. They magic comes from their experiences wandering through natural areas, and some of their magic is so subtle that some of them not even realize that they have magical capabilities at all.
You may have a whip and a cool hat. Maybe you deciphered a magical gate. You may have rescued the last copy of a great book from a terrible fire.
- Heroic Scholar Spellcasting
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you gain access to the Ranger spell list. You can learn spells from that lists. In addition, you learn cantrips from the druid's spell list.
In addition, since you draw power from your heroism and conviction, you can choose either Intelligence or Wisdom as your spellcasting ability. Finally, you can use a druidic focus as your spellcasting focus.
- Daring Adventurer
At 3rd level, you add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence check you make that doesn't already add your proficiency.
In addition, you gain proficiency with martial weapons.
- Adventurer Practice
As an experienced adventurer, you can escape from close calls and dangerous situations. At 3rd level when you choose this subclass, you gain the following practice actions:
- Tenacity. When you finish a short rest, you can roll a practice die, in place of a hit die, to regain hit points. You add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, to determine the amount of hit points gained.
- Agile Movement. At the start of your turn, you can roll a practice die without using an action. Doing so increases your movement speed or jump distance by 5 feet x the number rolled on the die. When you do so, you can choose to gain a swim or climb speed until the start of your next turn.
- Adventurer's Evasion. If you are hit by an attack while wearing light or medium armor, you can expend one practice die as a reaction, adding the number rolled to your AC. If the attack still hits, you take half damage from it.
- Ruins Explorer
At 7th level, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to detect the presence of secret doors. Also, traveling at a fast pace doesn’t impose the normal −5 penalty on your passive Wisdom (Perception) score.
You also have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps, and resistance to the damage dealt by traps.
- Ancient Knowledge
At 9th level, you know ancient secrets about objects and places. You can cast legend lore. You don't need to spend spell slots or material components to cast this spell, and can't do it again until you finish a long rest.
In addition, you add locate object to your spells known. This doesn't count against your maximum number of spells known.
- Adventurer's Luck
Beginning at 17th level, if you miss with an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, or whenever you are hit by an attack, you can roll it again with advantage, or force the attacker to reroll with disadvantage. Once you do so, you can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.
Magic Artisan[edit]
You like to play with magic in your spare time. You have talent but not enough to make a go of being a full-up arcane character. None-the-less you like to fiddle with magic when not working your day job.
- Magic User Spellcasting
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you gain access to the Artificer spell list. You can learn spells and cantrips from that lists.
In addition, since you draw power from trial and error, and experimenting with magic, Intelligence is your spellcasting ability. Finally, you can use an arcane focus as your spellcasting focus.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in three artisan's tools of your choice.
- Artisan Practice
As an experienced adventurer, you can escape from close calls and dangerous situations. At 3rd level when you choose this subclass, you gain the following practice actions:
- Enchant Object. You can touch a non-magical object and spend a practice die and a spell slot to infuse that object with a spell you know. The spell slot spent must be of the same level than the chosen spell. Until you finish your next rest, a creature in possession of that item can cast the chosen spell using the item, using your spellcasting ability, spell save DC or spell attack bonus to do so.
- Tool Mastery. When you make a check using any tool, you can roll a practice die and add the number rolled to the result of the check.
- Quick Crafts. If you have the appropriate materials (determined by your DM) and appropriated tool, you can craft any non-magical object with a cost of 50 gp or lower, when you finish a short rest. You must spend one practice die per object crafted.
- Wondrous Invention
Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to craft a magical item. You can craft two of the following items: bag of holding, alchemy jug, cap of water breathing, driftglobe, goggles of night, sending stones, helm of comprehending languages, lantern of revealing, ring of swimming, robe of useful items, rope of climbing, wand of magic detection or wand of secrets.
At 9th level, you can choose one additional item, from this list: bag of beans, chime of opening, decanter of endless water, eyes of minute seeing, folding boat, or heward's handy haversack.
Finally, at 17th level, you can choose one final item from this list: boots of striding and springing, bracers of archery, brooch of shielding, broom of flying, hat of disguise, slippers of spider climbing.
If the item requires attunement, it doesn't for you. Finally, you can spend 7 days to disassemble the created item and replace it for another from the same list.
- Magical Crafter
At 9th level, you have a superior understanding of how to use your magical knowledge for crafting. You can cast the spell fabricate or tiny servant once. When you use this feature to cast either spell, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.
- Spell-Storing Item
At 17th level, you can now store a spell in an object. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one simple or martial weapon or one item that you can use as a spellcasting focus, and you store a spell in it, choosing a lst- or 2nd-level spell from the artificer spell list that requires 1 action to cast (you needn't have it prepared).
While holding the object, a creature can take an action to produce the spell's effect from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier. If the spell requires concentration, the creature must concentrate. The spell stays in the object until it's been used a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum of twice) or until you use this feature again to store a spell in an object.
You are a performer who travels from town to town, and your troop has had run-ins with highwaymen and monsters in the wilds. Performers common casters are regular musicians, that can enchant their crowds with their beautiful tunes, playing on inns for a small sum in silver, or in the palaces of nobles, filling the ballroom with soothing melodies.
- Performer Spellcasting
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you gain access to the Bard spell list. You can learn spells and cantrips from that lists.
In addition, since you draw power from the music and performance, Charisma is your spellcasting ability. Finally, you can use a musical instrument as your spellcasting focus.
- Musical Practice
As an experienced adventurer, you can escape from close calls and dangerous situations. At 3rd level when you choose this subclass, you gain the following practice actions:
- Inspirational Tune. While wielding a musical instrument, you can use a bonus action to play an inspiring note. Choose a friendly creature able to hear you within 60 feet. That creature gain your practice die, and within the next 10 minutes, can use that die to add to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes.
- Natural Charm. When you make a check that allows you to apply your proficiency in a Charisma check or a check with a musical instrument, you can expend one Practice die to bolster the check. Add half the number rolled on the Practice die (rounding up) to your check. You apply this bonus after making the check but before learning if it was successful.
- Quick Crafts. You can spend one practice die to make a Charisma (Performance) check contested by the humanoid’s Wisdom (Insight) check using an action. You add the number rolled on the die to the result of your check. If your check succeeds, you grab the humanoid’s attention enough that it makes Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks with disadvantage until you stop performing.
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Deception, History, Insight, Persuasion or Performance.
You can gain proficiency with the two musical instruments or two gaming sets in place of one skill choice.
- Song of Competence
At 7th level, while you have a musical instrument on hand, you can start to play a song of competence, using an action. While the song is playing, you can't use your hands for anything else besides cast spells and play songs.
Any friendly creature that can hear your song within 10 feet gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to any ability check it makes. Maintaining the song requires concentration, like a spell would.
If you have used your action to start the song on your last turn, you can keep playing it on subsequent turns, not requiring an action.
- Song of Resilience
At 9th level, while you play your song of competence, any creature able to hear it within range also gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to their saving throws against the charmed and frightened conditions.
- Song Mastery
At 17th level, your song range increases to 30 feet. In addition, you can cast Otto's Irresistible Dance once, without spending spell slots. You can't do it again until you finish a long rest.
Tricks of the Trade[edit]
- Veteran Explorer
prerequisite: guide, heroic scholar
You are experienced in travelling far and wide - and survive to tell the tale. You can hold your breath twice as long as you are normally able to, and take half as much damage from fall damage.
- Wild Strider
prerequisite: guide
Ensnaring vines and rough terrain are no impediment to your travels. You ignore non-magical difficult terrain, and when you use your action to break free from the grappled or restrained condition, you can use your bonus action instead.
- Studied
prerequisite: heroic scholar, magic artisan, researcher
You gain proficiency in a skill, or tool, or two tools. You can select this trick multiple times, each time choosing a new skill and tool or two tools.
- Night Owl
prerequisite: researcher
You are used to long nights of study, and only need 3 hours of sleep during a long rest to gain its benefits. Additionally, if your long rest would e interrupted, you only need to complete the long rest, instead of restarting it, to gain its benefits.
Finally, you have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion.
- Academic Memory
prerequisite: researcher
You can recall anything you have read in the past month that you understand. This includes but is not limited to books, maps, signs, and lists.
- Linguist
prerequisite: researcher, heroic scholar
You learn three additional languages of your choice. You may choose this discovery multiple times.
- Comforting Song
prerequisite: performer
You can choose to perform a song during a short rest. If you or any friendly creature that can hear the song spend one or more hit dice at the end of that short rest, each creature regain additional hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Magical Boost
Whenever you make an ability check adding your proficiency bonus and using your Spellcasting ability, you can spend a spell slot and add a bonus to the check, depending on the level of the slot: +4 (1st-level), +6 (2nd-level), or +10 (3rd-level).
- Quick Casting
When you roll initiative, and are not surprised, if you are the first in the initiative order you can cast one spell of 1st-level or higher without using an action, on your first turn of combat.
- Experienced Mind
You can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded up, to any check you make using your Spellcasting ability that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.
- Wise Insight
Whenever you make an Intelligence check, you can use your Wisdom modifier, rather than your Intelligence modifier.
- Wise Guidance
You can take the Help action as a bonus action. In addition, whenever you use the Help action to aid a creature in a skill check you are proficient with and that uses your spellcasting ability modifier, that creature can add your spellcasting ability to the result of the check.
- Extended Knowledge
Choose one 1st-level spell from your spell list. That spell is added to your list of spells known, but doesn't count against your maximum number of spells known.
In addition, you can cast this spell once, at its lowest level without spending spell slots. You can select this trick multiple times, each time choosing a different spell.
- Brave
prerequisite: heroic scholar
You are immune to the frightened condition.
- Emboldening Song
prerequisite: performer
Whenever a creature under the effects of one of your common caster spell start its turn, you can use your reaction to give them temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier, which lasts until the start of their next turn.
- Ritualist
prerequisite: 5th-level
If you come across a spell in written form, such as a magical spell scroll or a wizard’s spellbook, you might be able to learn it. The spell must be on the spell list for your chosen subclass, the spell’s level must be from a level you have spell slots, and it must have the ritual tag.
The process of studying and memorizing the spell takes 24 hours per level of the spell. The study hours don't need to be consecutive. For each 24 hours of study, you must spend the cost in material components (if any), and you must have your spellcasting focus on you through the whole time.
The spell doesn't count against the maximum number of spells you know.
- Militant Zealot
prerequisite: faithful, 5th-level
You gain proficiency in medium armor.
- Enduring Cantrip
prerequisite: 5th-level
Whenever you cast a cantrip that has the duration of 1 round, you can cause it to last for 1 minute instead. If you do so, the cantrip requires concentration, if it didn't already.
- Divine Protection
prerequisite: faithful, 7th-level
When a creature under the effects of an abjuration spell you have cast is reduced to 0 hit points, you can cause that creature to fall to 1 hit point instead.
Once a creature has benefited from this feature, that creature must complete a long rest before gaining this benefit again.
- Expert
prerequisite: 9th level
Choose two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Medicine, Performance, Religion or Survival. If you add your proficiency bonus in the check using the chosen skill, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10 instead.
- Magical Endurance
prerequisite: 9th-level
Choose one spell school of your choice. You have advantage on saving throws against spells from the chosen school, and resistance to the damage of spells from that school.
- Adaptive Focus
prerequisite: 15th-level
When the target of a spell that requires concentration is reduced to 0 hit points, you can replace the target with another creature within range, using a reaction. If the spell requires a saving throw, that creature must also attempt the save.
The spell lasts for the remainder of the original duration.
- Empowered Spells
prerequisite: 15th-level
When you roll 1 on a damage or healing dice from a Common Caster spell, you can reroll the die and use the new roll.
When it comes to multiclassing into a caster commoner, you probably don't want to. It is a class designed to be weaker than the 'adventuring classes'. One case in which you might want to multiclass into caster commoner is if you have years of downtime ahead of you and maybe you want to become a farmer for that period.
- Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the caster commoner class, you must meet these prerequisites: 9 Strength, and 9 Dexterity
- Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the caster commoner class, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor, one new toolkit, one new skill, any skill.
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