Second Hour - The Beastlands (5e Subclass)

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Second Hour - The Beastlands

Sorcerous Origin

Long ago, a powerful archdevil called Kankerok devised a way to break down the barriers between planes. Argentahl, god of balance and order, gifted sixteen newborn children on the material plane immense power. Forty years later, Kankerok began his ritual. Unbeknownst to him, the sixteen had been preparing, being recognised as protectors of the worlds by their immense power. They had assembled a massive army of billions, the full forces of the material plane. The army traversed the sixteen Outer Planes, guarding the portals that opened and thwarting those who would attempt to pass through. During this time, the sorcerers conducted an almighty ritual sealing the barrier. After sixteen hours, the ritual and the journey of the army were complete, but during the seventeenth Kankerok enacted a devious plan- he captured the billions of fallen souls that could not move on to outer planes due to the ritual's completion, for it had negated all travel between the planes for an hour after it was complete, and transmuted them into an army of ghasts that marched upon the material plane. For this battle, however, the sixteen could lead the army, and they conquered the ghasts, freeing them in time for their souls to escape to the outer planes. Over the course of these seventeen hours, the fate of the world was changed, causing gargantuan magical ripples across time that cause some to be touched by planar magic.

Beast Aspect

Starting at 1st level, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain natural weapons that deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier magical bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage (your choice). Also, your AC while wearing no armour or light armour increases by 1.

Elemental Self

Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to two of the following damage types of your choice: Acid, Poison, Fire, Cold, Thunder or Lightning.

Attunement to Nature

Starting at 14th level, your Wisdom and Constitution scores increase by 2 each, to a maximum of 22 each.

Primal Aspect

Starting at 18th level, your walking speed increases by a further 10 feet, your natural weapons deal 1d8 + your Wisdom or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher) magical bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage instead of 1d4 + your Strength modifier, and your AC while wearing no armour or light armour increases by a further 1.

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