College of Sorrow (5e Subclass)

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College of Sorrow

While most bards sing of tales of great bravery and epic conquests, there are those who sing songs of a more melancholy and sobering sort. They are most often found in tombs or graveyards, singing in remembrance of the great tragic figures of the past, those who have lead lives of hardship and toil only to meet an unfulfilled and unloved end. Those who are part of the College of Sorrow are also known as Dirgesingers, people who believe that only those who accept and give in to the sadness and despair are the only people who truly understand the world.

Song of Sorrow

When you join the College of Sorrow at the 3rd level, you can roll a Bardic Inspiration die to start singing the Song of Sorrow. All hostile living beings who hear this song must make a wisdom save of 8+proficiency bonus+charisma modifier or they can no longer apply their proficiency bonus to their ability or attack rolls for rounds equaling to the result of the rolled Bardic Inspiration Die. At the beginning of each turn, while the performance continues, each creature who succeeded the saving throw must make another one, or be affected for the remaining rounds.

Dead Inside

Also on the 3rd level, you gain resistance to necrotic and cold damage.

Visage of Crippling Grief

Upon reaching the 6th level, when a hostile creature steps within 5 feet of you, they must make a Charisma saving throw, or be incapacitated until their next turn. If the creature is successfully incapacitated, this ability cannot take effect again until you finish a short or long rest.

Song of Despair

Upon reaching the 14th level, you can roll a Bardic Inspiration die to start singing the Song of Despair. All hostile living beings who hear this song must make a Charisma saving throw (whose DC is increased according to the result of the rolled Bardic Inspiration die), or be stunned for one round.

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