Reflector (3.5e Template)

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Reflectors are born with a strange power -- the ability to become like the world around them.

Reflectors are mysteries, because any being you think you know could, in truth, be a reflector. They are invariably intelligent beings, and are commonly blessed with far more than their share of wisdom and cunning. Typically social, they enjoy being around beings of any race, melding seamlessly with their cultures. Unlike many beings that can assume the likeness of others, Reflectors do not assume the form of other beings...they truly become them.

Creating a Reflector

Reflectors are born with this trait -- though it might not be impossible, there is no known way to become a Reflector. During the pregnancy, the mother of a Reflector must have had contact with multiple planes. While this might leave adult beings minimally effected, the baby's development is altered by each plane, adapting their body and even their spirit to become malleable by their wisdom. Any intelligent being can be a Reflector, although this is necessarily limited to those that are born or hatched, and could have been transported to other planes during their development.

Size and Type

There are no size or type changes. The base creature of the Reflector remains just as it was.

Hit Dice

There are no HD changes with the base creature itself.


There is no speed change with Reflectors.

Armor Class

Reflectors possess no special enhancements to AC.


Reflectors gain whatever natural weapons belong to their current form.

Full Attack

Reflectors possess the same full attack as their current form.

Special Attacks

The Reflector gains whatever special attacks belong to their current form.

Special Qualities

Reflect (Su): Reflectors are capable of becoming any being which they encounter. They perfectly assume the likeness of that being, as well as the complete form, natural weapons, SLAs, Ex, and Su of that creature. Additionally, they retain the physical abilities (Str, Dex, Con) and HD of that creature while in its form, but maintain their own mental abilities (Int, Wis, Cha) under all circumstances. While Reflecting a creature, they automatically succeed at any disguise checks, and cannot be revealed by True Seeing. They retain their alignment, however. Reflecting a creature is a move action, and can be done from memory. Relevant Knowledge Checks are required to Reflect from memory. Note: A Reflector cannot assume a form that is more than 4 HD greater than their base HD.

Flashform (Su): Reflectors can, as a free action, shift to any known form at a sacrifice of 1 HP per HD of the assumed form. This can be done as a defense response to an attack, but cannot be done when surprised or subject to a sneak attack (or related effect).

Transcendent Speech (Su): Reflectors are treated as if constantly under the effect of Tongues, treated as knowing any and all languages.

Fluid Possession (Su): Reflectors can choose to have their possessions either altered and fit to their changed form (Size, Shape, and Appearance -- other qualities remain unchanged), or be absorbed into their body when they change. Additionally, they are treated as always possessing the material focus for spells, and can ignore these requirements.

Wise Ways (Su): Reflectors substitute their Wisdom score for their Charisma score under all circumstances.

Adaptable Casting (Ex): Reflectors cannot ignore spell requirements (aside from material), but rather can perform any and all requirements in whatever form they take, even if said form could not typically do so. Additionally, they possess the ability to cast spells as a 4th lvl Sorcerer as SLAs.


Reflectors are naturally sagacious, but often give little time to proper studies or education. They receive +6 Wisdom, -4 Intelligence.


Reflectors receive a natural +8 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, as well as +4 on all Knowledge checks.


Reflectors gain no particular feats, although they gain any feats that are possessed by their current form.


Reflectors dwell in whatever environment befits their current form, meaning that they can be found anywhere.


Reflectors rarely form societies, for not even other Reflectors can know when they are meeting one. They will, however, often attach themselves to groups that benefit from disguise, such as rogues and assassins, diplomats, or traders.

Challenge Rating

Reflectors possess the CR of whatever form they have assumed.


Standard for their assumed form.


Reflectors are invariably chaotic, though they may be good, neutral, or evil.


Reflectors advance by their character class.

Level Adjustment

LA +4

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