Resources (Tirr 5e)

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Revision as of 23:11, 1 March 2017 by SilentPC (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The following is a list of typically allowed, suggested resources and typically banned resources. It is in no way supposed to be a defining list for the campaign, and should b...")
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The following is a list of typically allowed, suggested resources and typically banned resources. It is in no way supposed to be a defining list for the campaign, and should be taken only with consideration, initially. This list is subject to change, and a Game Master should take or leave its provisions on whim. This is only here to suggest what the author believes is the best or truest experience in the World of Tirr.

Allowed Material[edit]

These resources are usually allowed with no preconditions

  • All Core Material
  • Unearthed Arcana
  • Elemental Evil
  • Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
  • Adventurous Archetypes
  • Arcane Archer for the Ranger Class
  • Blood Hunter Class 1.8
  • Gunslinger Martial Archetype
  • 2017_UA Mass Combat_MCUA_v1

Banned Material[edit]

To be finished later....

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