Mountain Giant (3.5e Race)

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Mountain Giants

Mountain giants are huge humanoids that live in remote mountain caverns. Standing 14 feet tall and weighing 2,000 pounds, mountain giants are impressive foes. They greatly resemble hill giants. Their skin color is a light tan to reddish brown with straight black hair. The males have heavy beards but no mustaches, and they have large pot bellies. They are typically clothed in rough hides or skins and carry huge clubs as weapons. The stale reek of a mountain giant can be detected several hundred feet downwind.


Mountain giants are violent as a result of their history. Banished by their hill giant ancestors, they were forced to drive out the stone giants from their northern ranges. They regularly mock-fight amongst each other. However, they prefer not to start a real fight without a genuine reason (although they will jump into a fight that's already started without hesitation). As such, they may not act anymore violent than an average human on a good day.

Physical Description

Skin color among mountain giants is usually light, as they do not see much sunlight in the mountains. Their hair is brown, black or occasionally red (because of its rarity, red hair is held in regards to great beauty among mountain giants), with eyes ranging from brown to green to blue. Males are known for their massive beards.


Mountain giants get along with most other giants as giants do. Relations with stone giants are bitter after over a century of conflict ended with the stone giants being forced to retreat from the North. Hill giants, from which the mountain giants are descent, have mixed feelings toward them. On one hand, they are the descendants of hill giants banished for their horrible crimes. On the other hand, they managed to beat the stone giants in combat, something the hill giants could never accomplish. Cloud and Frost giants are encountered with relative frequency on the high, cold mountains. All 3 races have learned to give each other decent berths and respect each other, if only as foes not worth fighting. Individuals of non-giant races relate the same way to mountain giants as they do hill giants.


While not the brightest of races, mountain giants are smart enough to know their place in a party of adventurers. Barbarians, warriors, or occasionally monks or paladins, they charge into the fray without hesitation or fear, overwhelming opponents with sheer physical might and acting as a shield for allies behind them. Some have even been known to throw their allies at opponents. In the wilderness, they will take advantage of their size and often carry teammates across rivers, up cliffs and other places normal races have a hard time reaching. Once in a civilized area, mountain giants are impeded by their size, particularly in crowds, narrow alleys or when trying to pass through doors. Although rarely comfortable in big cities, mountain giants are fine when in a building that has large rooms with tall ceilings, such as castles, theaters/concert halls/stadiums (as they can see over everyone, they do not mind sitting in the back row, something normal patrons can appreciate) and forts. Other buildings they feel home in are smaller versions of the buildings that they frequent at home, such as smiths, armories, restaurants and taverns (provided they can fit through the door)


Often Chaotic and/or Neutral


Having evicted the stone giants, mountain giants dwell the Northern mountain ranges and are very resistant to the cold weather. Their breathing is largely unaffected by high or low altitudes.


Very few mountain giants follow gods other than Kord and Obad-Hai. Mountain giants are largely agnostic, perhaps building an occasional temple or calling out for Kord's help when they are in mortal danger.


Giant, Common (albeit with bad grammar, usually resulting in referring to everyone in the third person)


Mountain giants are named at birth. As in many human and giant cultures, the family name is same as the father's, while the mother picks the first name. Mountain giants will not have officially obtained a middle name until manhood. The middle name of an adult mountain giant is a verb (that he is very good at or performs frequently) or an adjective(that describes him). No one is quite sure how this tradition started. Some sources claim the most logical explanation is that one of the first mountain giants had a habit of saying "(verb or adjective)? (verb or adjective)is my middle name!"

Racial Traits

Vital Statistics

Table: Mountain Giant Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
20 years + 2d4 + 5d6 + 5d12
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age Old1 Venerable2 Maximum Age
60 130 150 + 3 d12 years
  1. At old age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At venerable age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 10' 9" + 2 d12 1,350 lb. 5 × (3 d6) lb.
Female 10' 2" + 3 d6 1,010 lb. 5 × (1 d12) lb.

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