Talk:Rubber Forehead Alien (5e Variant Rule)

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Ha ha, make the traits mandatorily random and you've got yourself a basis for 5e Gamma World :) Marasmusine (talk) 07:43, 5 January 2016 (MST)

Er, yes. Yes I would. If you were to randomize it for each individual, rather than each racial group. Come to think of it, I never got around to actually playing that game... --Kydo (talk) 23:00, 5 January 2016 (MST)

Does this mean that I can have the head of an AK-47? Kanye West (talk) 00:16, 22 October 2016 (MDT)

If you can represent it with the rules provided, and a DM is OK with that, then yes. I'm glad you posted here, because I forgot I made this. It shouldn't be in races. It's clearly a housreule race design system. I will now relocate it. --Kydo (talk) 07:19, 22 October 2016 (MDT)
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