Blood of the Pale Moon, Greater (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Blood of the Pale Moon, Greater
Illusion [Death, Fear, Figment, Mind-Affecting,]
Spellcraft DC: 394
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 12,000 ft.
Area: 1000 ft. radius cylinder
Duration: Concentration+ 20 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Delude (DC+19), Compel (DC+19), Afflict (DC+14), Slay (DC+25), Animate dead (DC+23). Factors: target(s) to area with 20 ft. radius (+12 DC), increasing radius to 1000 ft. (+100 DC), audible, olfactory, tactile, taste and thermal aspects (+10 DC). Compel targets in area to perceive illusion as reality (+10 DC). Create random effects listed above through Afflict, Slay and Compel seeds (ad-hoc DC+200), increase HD of animated undead to 250HD (DC+230). "Mitigating Factors: Change created undead to Wights (DC-4), burn 14,200xp (DC-142). Material cost: 3,546,000gp. Research time: 72 days to develop. XP cost: 141,840xp.

The caster creates a very livid, realistic, but highly morphic illusion that spans a massive area, in which the caster may determine by own choice who to try and affect. Targets caught within the illusion willingly regard it as a substitute reality, i.e., believe it to be real. The illusion contains audible, olfactory, tactile, taste- and thermal effects, and the visions and sensations incurred compel the interpreting mind to feel great pain or confusion. If a target fails a will save, it is exposed to a certain effect decided by a percentile.

d% Result Effect
1 Creatures under 80HD must pass Will save or die, those immune to death effects must re-roll. Roll again next turn if still alive.
2-10 Creature acts as if under the effect of insanity. No further rolls required for this creature, if cured of insanity re-roll.
11-20 Creature becomes fascinated for 1d4 rounds and are stunned for one round if the effect is broken early. Roll again after duration ends.
21-30 Creature becomes nauseated for 1d4 rounds and takes 4d6 irreducible magic damage. Roll again after duration ends.
31-50 Creature becomes dazed for 1d8 rounds. Roll again after duration ends.
51-70 Creature gets dealt 10d12 irreducible magic damage. Roll again next turn.
71-80 Creature gets dealt 4d12 temporary damage to his mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma). Roll again in 2 rounds.
81-90 Creature gets dealt 4d12 temporary Constitution damage. Roll again in 2 rounds.
91-100 Creature gains 4d6 negative levels. Roll again next turn.
Effects may persist even when the afflicted creatures exit the initial radius of effect. A greater restoration rids the creature of the effects on this table.

This spell delivers its damage by placing interfering currents of powerful magic in the synapses of one’s brain. Any profound external impulse, such as pain, allows the victim a new Will save to try and break the spells affects. Moving a victim of the spell out of its original area of effect does not help but once outside one is allows a new will save every round to break the spell. Any who die within the spells original area of effect are immediately animated as wightsl up to 250HD worth of creatures can be re-animated. These are not under the casters control and will persist after the spell ends, they act as normal wights once created.

XP Cost: 14,200xp

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