Minor Magecraft Imbue (3.5e Spell)

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Minor Magecraft Imbue
Level: Sor/Wiz 0, Warmage 0
Components: That of the spell imbued
Casting time: That of the spell imbued
Range: 10 ft
Target: Magecrafted item smithed
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: That of the spell imbued
Spell Resistance: That of the spell imbued

Imbues a magecrafted item with any cantrip sorcerer/wizard spell not directly castable by the magician, ie, imbues

Material Component: Any components are that of the spell imbued, and must be added (at the rate of 50 times the spell requirement) to the metal.

Focus: Any foci are that of the spell imbued.

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