Wrathful Fire (4e Power)

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Wrathful Fire Ghost Warrior Attack 7
You burn with the desire to exact vengeance on your foes
At-Will Star.gif Phantasmal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged Weapon
Target: One Creature
Attack: Constitution Vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Constitution modifier fire damage. Until the start of your next turn you deal 5 fire damage to creatures that make opportunity attacks against you.

Augment 1: You deal fire damage equal to 3+ your Wisdom modifier to all enemies adjacent to you.
Augment 2: You gain a +2 AC power bonus against opportunity attacks triggered by this power. This bonus ends when the attack is resolved

Effect: You provoke opportunity attacks from all enemies adjacent to you.
Special: You can make this unaugmented attack as a melee or ranged basic attack

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