Discussion:Had an argument with another player about my psionic power "Entangling Ectoplasm", what is your take on this?

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I was playing a new game last night and upon the use of my first power, I used my Entangling Ectoplasm spell, I was met with argument. Another player stated it was like the spell entangle. I of course argued it is not. The argument was that a creature can break out of my entangling ectoplasm with a DC strength check of 20, or an Escape Artist Check of 20. This is what the Entangling spell has in its description for how to break out of the magical entanglements of the plant growth of its spell. I argued that my Power does not allow for such checks, because it is not in the power description. The power states that they are entangled and the duration is 5 rounds. There is no save and power resistance does not apply. In no way does the power even mention the entanglment spell. To further my argument I pointed out that other powers mention if it is similar to a spell. Psionic grease is a good example, it has it written "this is just like the spell grease in the players handbook".

We finally came to a head after another player pointed out that being entangled is situational and that the DC are stated on the situation if it allows one. The DM, who is new at this, agreed with me and the player who called it situational. However I am curious to what others think of the power Entangling Ectoplasm.

I imagine it being like covered in the goo like on Ghostbusters. Considering its covering your whole body it would take more than 6 seconds (one full round) to get it off you, if you could. The Entanglement spell is a bunch of plants grabbing at your feet and arms, seems more reasonable to allow a check to avoid it or break the plants holding you...anyways that was the two opposing arguments.

What is your take on this power and that spell?

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