Cloth Whip (4e Feat)

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Cloth Whip [Racial]

With practice, you can learn to harden your fibers into blunt instruments, making either a though whip or a spiked mace-like ball.
Prerequisite: Kamui
Benefit: As a free action you can form an arm into a weapon with which you are proficient. It is either a one-handed weapon in the flail group or a one-handed weapon in the mace group. It has a +3 proficiency bonus, deals 1d4 damage, and it has the reach property if it is in the flail group or the brutal 1 property if it is in the mace group. You cannot hold anything in the arm that you form into a weapon. You can enchant and disenchant your cloth whip/mace. If it is disenchanted, it does not turn to dust.

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