Spectral Weapon (4e Power)

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Spectral Weapon Warmage Attack 15
You strike your enemy and call one of your Mystic Orbs to aid you in your assault, quickly transforming it into a spectral copy of your weapon and lashing out at your foe with it from behind.
Daily Star.gif Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Strength Vs. AC or Dexterity Vs. AC
Hit: 2[W]+Strength modifier damage or 2[W]+Dexterity modifier damage and your secondary attack has a +3 power bonus to its attack roll.
Secondary Target: The same target
Secondary Attack: Intelligence Vs. AC.
Hit: 1[W]+Intelligence modifier damage and target is surprised (save ends).
Sustain Standard: You may attack the same target or switch to a new target in range. Make an attack (as above) and shift up to an amount of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Special: The Mystic Orb used for this power is destroyed if not sustained.