Future (4e Sourcebook)/Equipment/Head

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Head Slot[edit]

The default head slot item is a headset that by itself does nothing, but like weapons and armor can have one or two mods.

Some mods are gadgets that improve attack powers that do not use weapons. In this way, characters with such powers can stay competitive with those who use modded weapons. Other mods have goggle or communication attachments that change a character's sensory data.

Heat Slot Equipment Cost Benefit
Headset 25 Basic civilian headset; includes comm link and visor.

Simple Headset Mods Level Cost Weight Benefit
Bio Amp, Simple 1 3 38 2 Attacks you make with a non-Weapon Bio attack during the first round of an encounter deal 1 extra damage.
Fusion Amp, Simple 1 3 38 2 Attacks you make with non-Weapon Fusion powers during the the first round in an encounter deal 1 extra damage.
Goggles, Anti-Flare 3 38 neg. You gain a +5 mod bonus to saving throws made against blindness.
Psi Amp, Simple 1 3 38 2 Attacks you make with non-Weapon Psi attacks during the first turn of an encounter deal 1 extra damage.
Secure Comm 8 88 neg. Improved comm that is resistant to a greater variety of hacking devices.
Average Headset Mods Level Cost Weight Benefit
Bio Amp, Focusing 4 175 2 If you hit two or more creatures with a a non-Weapon Bio attack, you deal a +2 mod bonus to the damage roll of ranged or melee attacks you make until the end of your next turn.
Bio Amp, Vantage 2 125 2 If you hit a target you have combat advantage against with a non-Weapon Bio attack, you deal 2 extra damage.
Field Comm 2 125 2 Improves comms range; provides comms network.
Field Comm, Improved 7 300 2 Improves comms range; provides comms network.
Fusion Amp, Destructive 2 125 2 If you make a non-Weapon Fusion attack that hits two or more creatures, you deal +2 extra damage to each target.
Psi Amp, Delusive 2 125 2 If you hit with a non-Weapon Psi attack, you gain combat advantage against the target until the end of your next turn.