Talk:Bleeding Critical (3.5e Feat)

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Revision as of 04:53, 29 July 2013 by (talk)
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just a little over powered when used with a wounding weapon... just saying. imagine a +4 str mighty composite long bow with say a +5 enhancement and wounding... hit a crit thats 30 damage minimum assuming all damage rolls were 1's. but throw on the 3 con damage from the weapon and the one from this feat and thats 2hp/character level lossed immediately! id'd think about making the prerequsites a little higher before using this feat.

or just allow a fortitude save to resist


If more than one critical upon the same target are rolled, do the effects of constitution damage stack? I feel it makes sense to have them stack, but since it doesn't explicitly say either way I wasn't sure.