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Revision as of 18:28, 21 May 2013 by Odinsaspect (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hi! I am Odinsaspect which is also my screen name on a most of the rpg's I play. I started playing D&D in the fall of 2012. I play with a usually medium group on campus. Afte...")
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Hi! I am Odinsaspect which is also my screen name on a most of the rpg's I play. I started playing D&D in the fall of 2012. I play with a usually medium group on campus. After my first campaign I thought it might be neat to see what people thought about a twist on vampires based on some of the stories of Harry Dresden. After I was I had the Emopire witch was barley responsible as the original vampires from the books. I have only made one other contribution but hope to make many more.

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