Firestar Protector (4e Equipment)
Firstar Protector
The Firestar Protector is appropriate for characters in the Paragon tier and upward. The Gun functions as a Pistol.
Firestar Protector Paragon Level
Often referred to as 'The Protector' This weapon was sent back from a time where Mechanical devices and Magical ones worked together to allow them to defeat a demonic threat. Weighing no more than 3lb This Pistol requires no Ammunition, Yet has a limited number of times it can be fired each day. At an average range of 30ft. |
Enhancement: None |
Properties |
♦ The Weapon is Capable of firing six bullets every day, the owner must take an extended rest to regain the weapon's power. |
♦ When attacking Undead, Devils, or Demons The weapon's damage is 2d6. |
♦ When attacking creatures who are not the above, but have an Evil, or Chaotic Evil aspect to them, the Damage of the weapon is 2d4. |
♦ You Gain a +2 Bonus to any check made to hide this weapon. |
♦ When attacking a target who is not Evil, Chaotic Evil, Undead, Devil, or a Demon the weapon's damage is 1d6. |
Power (Radiant) ♦ Daily (Standard Action) |
Dex vs Reflex; Range: 10/20; 6[W] + dex Radiant damage; Effect: The Gun cannot be fired again for two days. And you forfeit the rest of your turn this round. Requirement: Cannot have been shot once today.
Miss: Half Damage |
Goals of The Firestar Protector
- To Purge every Soul from Evil
- To bring order to a world in chaos.
- Ensure that every enemy come across is defeated.
Roleplaying the Firestar Protector
The Firestar Protector is an item brought back from the future, its powers are rather strange, It will not inform you of its mistrust, or of its admiration, However it might jam often, or fail to fire if displeased with its owner. The Protection Seal around its handle might burn with radiant heat in an attempt to cause pain to the wielder. However no actual communication is posted between them. If happy it will function without fault, To the point where it will provide added effects allowing its owner to perform more powerful attacks.
The Gun will appear strange to anyone who might find it, such a weapon after all has yet to be seen by this world. Upon picking it up and attempting to use it they will soon discover what it does and doesn't like. For a gun that doesn't speak it often shows how it feels towards actions. Possibly Firing itself off when its owner or their ally is committing an act it disagrees with.
Starting Score | 5 |
Owner gains a level | +1d10 |
Owner kills an Undead or Demon or Devil (maximum 1/encounter) | +1 |
Owner kills an Evil, or Chaotic Evil being(maximum 1/encounter) | +1 |
Owner Knocks an enemy down to 0hp and then shoots them again to ensure their death (maximum 1/day) | +2 |
Owner or ally kills a creature that is Good, or Law full Good | -2 |
Owner makes use of a different weapon (maximum 1/encounter) | -2 |
Pleased (16-20)
"My Trigger is an Extension of your fist."
Overjoyed at the idea of the two following a similar objective, and defeating the darkness of this world, he seems to give himself fully to the owner, Trusting them completely.
Property: The Box size (bullets able to be fired each day) increases to 13. |
Property: Critical hits with the weapon do a bonus 20 damage. |
Property: Range of Weapon increases by 5 to 15/20 |
Property: Weapon Gains a +2 Attack bonus |
Power (Daily♦ Radiant): Standard Action. Dex vs Reflex; Range: 15/20; 13[W] + dex Radiant damage; Effect: The Gun cannot be fired again for two days. And you forfeit the rest of your turn this round. Requirement: Cannot have been shot once today.
Miss: Half Damage |
Satisfied (12-15)
"Together we are an army"
The Gun understands that its owner is fighting off demons, and monsters of an evil nature. Why it is unsure, but it wants to help its owner achieve their goals, so long as the path they walk leads in the same direction.
Property: Weapon Gains a +1 Attack bonus |
Property: The Box size (bullets able to be fired each day) increases to 8. |
Property: Critical Hits do a bonus 10 damage. |
Power (Daily♦ Radiant): Standard Action. Dex vs Reflex; Range: 10/20; 8[W] + dex Radiant damage; Effect: The Gun cannot be fired again for two days. And you forfeit the rest of your turn this round. Requirement: Cannot have been shot once today.
Miss: Half Damage |
Normal (5-11)
"We Follow a Similar Path"
The Gun is aware that the enemies that its owner fights, is the same as those it wishes to fight, but is unsure if this is coincidental, or if it is their ambition.
Unsatisfied (1-4)
"You May Have something inside of you, but i can't see it"
The Gun doesn't trust its owner to any extent, and limits itself off from them. Reducing its abilities able to be used, and cutting back its firing ability to see if this person is really worthy of such an item.
Property: The Damage of the weapon is reduced to 1d6 |
Property: You Can only Fire the gun once a day. |
Property: No Abilities attached to the weapon can be used. |
Angered (0 or lower)
"Prove Yourself"
The Gun is unamused by the antics of its owner and wishes to leave, for some reason it has chosen to stick around and see what may come of this relationship, but it will not do so nicely... This is a test the gun will no longer function as a gun, and instead wishes to see if the owner will give up on the weapon and toss it aside, or use it as a blunt object and fight along side it in battle.
Property: The Gun will not shoot bullets for you. |
Property: When you try to shoot the gun, it burns your hand for 1d4 fire damage. |
Property: The Gun Will try to shoot you for 2d6dmg if you make a decision it doesn't agree with. |
Moving On
"I Won't Help you Anymore"
When the gun doesn't wish to be with the same wielder any longer due to it being unimpressed or angered it will ignite with a radiant heat that will cause 1d10 dmg to anyone who tries to touch it. Before moving on with an explosion. If it chooses to leave on good terms it will erode into 10,000gp worth of gold dust able to be used to increase an item's magical ability.