Elemental Plane of Nature (3.5e Environment)

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Elemental Plane of Nature

This plane is linked to the Elemental plane of Earth. It is covered in an Infinite forest, the ground is a mass of matted roots, vines, and moss/large mossy stones. One small pure water oasis in the center of the plane provides all plants with life.

Plane Traits

Physical Traits

  • Gravity: Normal
  • Time: Time here moves only slightly slower then normal; around 27 hours in a day rather then the normal 24.
  • Size: Infinite, until an edge can be discovered.
  • Morphic: No

Magic, Alignment, and Energy/Elemental Traits

  • Elemental Dominance: Earth/Nature
  • Energy Dominance: none
  • Alignment Trait: Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil. It is possible but uncommon to find Chaotics here.
  • Magic Trait: Same as Elemental Plane of Earth

Plane Links

This plane is linked with the Earth Plane.

Plane Inhabitants

Earth and Nature Elementals. Several Owl Kin clans live on this plane, as well as many Forest Nymphs, several Fox-folk strongholds, one or two Saurian tribes, and Squirrel Folk families. A few other races may live here as well.

Movement and Combat

Depending on the Area, one must make either Balance, Climb, or Hide checks. (Hide: some races may not be very friendly)

Features of the Plane

Trees varying in all sizes, Moss covered stones and boulders, and well as large vines, and exotic plants and plant-like creatures.

Plane Encounters


01-50/1d6 Squirrel Folk

51-65/1d6 Owl Kin, some plant-like creature

66-80/1d6 Fox-Folk

80-99/1d6 Saurian

Alternate Variances

Almost any plant may be found within this Plane.

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