Ogre Gang Leader (4e Creature)

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<!-General descriptive text about your creature. If this page encompasses multiple creatures this should cover all of them.->


DC <!-lore DC->: <!-Lore explanation.->

DC <!-lore DC->: <!-Lore explanation.->

DC <!-lore DC->: <!-Lore explanation.->


<!-Descriptive text about how these creatures interact with other creatures within the encounter groups and general flavor text.->


Encounter Examples

Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)

  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)

<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->

Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)

  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)

<!-repeat as necessary - REMOVE THIS LINE->

Level <!-encounter level-> Encounter (XP <!-XP gained from encounter->)

  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #1's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #1's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #1's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #2's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #2's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #2's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #3's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #3's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #3's role->)
  • <!-# of creatures-> <!-Encounter creature #4's name-> (Level <!-encounter creatures #4's level #-> <!-Encounter creature #4's role->)

<!-Creature Name->

Ogre Gang Leader
Level 8 Solo Soldier
Large Natural Humanoid
XP 1750
HP 290; Bloodied 145 Initiative +5
AC 26; Fortitude 23, Reflex 17, Will 24 Perception +5
Speed 8
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Ogre Gang Leader Tactics
Ogre Gang Leader and its allies deal an extra 1d6 damage against enemies that Ogre Gang Leader flanks.
Combat Experience
Ogre Gang Leader can score critical hits on attack rolls of natural 19 and 20
Inspiring Assault
When it scores a critical hit, Ogre Gang Leader and all allies within 5 squares of it regain 4 hit points.
Standard Actions
Basicmelee.png Heavy Flail (Weapon)♦ At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, and the target slides 2 squares
Close.png Sweeping Flail (Weapon)♦ At-Will
Attack: Requires heavy flail; close burst 2; targets enemies only; +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, and the target is knocked prone
Melee.pngClose.png Flail Charge (Weapon)♦ Encounter
Attack: Ogre Gang Leader moves its speed; requires heavy flail; close burst 2; targets enemies only; +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage and the target is knocked prone and is dazed until the end of its next turn
Str 18 (+8) Dex 12 (+5) Wis 12 (+5)
Con 18 (+8) Int 12 (+5) Cha 20 (+9)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Giant
Equipment hide armor, heavy flail
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Ogre Gang Leader in Combat

The Ogre Gang Leader will use its heavy flail attack if in danger and uses sweeping flail to take advantage of flanking from his allies. If a group of enemies is too far to hit with either of its basic attacks, then Ogre Gang Leader will use its charging flail sweep to disable the group and let its allies get close up.

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