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Revision as of 21:18, 18 June 2012 by Xyryn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hey there! I'm a DM who got into playing DnD, oh about 2 years ago. I am most experianced with 3.5e but I've played 4e too. Currently I am the main DM in my group and I absol...")
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Hey there!

I'm a DM who got into playing DnD, oh about 2 years ago. I am most experianced with 3.5e but I've played 4e too. Currently I am the main DM in my group and I absolutely love the game.

I hope to contribute my ideas to this site and hopefully will make some fun classes for you guys to enjoy, since that is one of my favorite parts of the game.

Anyway, good day to you and thanks for looking at my page

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